Menopause Migraine Breaking The Cycle

By Kathryn Whittaker

Hypnosis may be effective in relieving some menopause symptoms, but when it comes to treating and preventing menopause migraines, women who experience this unpleasant symptom will likely require other remedies.

Unfortunately, severe headaches and migraines are quite common in perimenopausal and menopausal women. A migraine is the wickedest form of a headache, and is one of the worst menopause symptoms that can be suffered. A migraine can be so painful and intense that it can incapacitate its victim and spoil days of their life at a time.

What causes migraines to occur during menopause?

Psychological Factors include: emotional distress; anxiety; stress; overworking; fatigue.

If these factors are allowed to spin out of control, it can cause chemical imbalances in your brain which can have an affect on the functioning of the body, resulting in a migraine. These migraines are generally brought on by stress and are often alleviated when stress is reduced.

Physical Factors include: hormone imbalance; medication; genetics.

Physical factors are far more likely to be the cause of a menopause migraine than psychological factors. The reason is because many believe the drop in estrogen hormone is the main culprit behind migraines and headaches. When hormones fluctuate they cause the brain’s blood vessels to overreact which can lead to a headache or migraine. Thus, as estrogen levels decline, it is a likely migraines will occur more frequently and with greater intensity.

What are the signs and symptoms of migraines?

Migraine with aura symptoms: The aura may begin anywhere from 15-60 minutes prior to the headache and cause –

— Visual distortion – IE zig zags, flashing light, color variations, complete loss of vision


— Pain around one eye that is accompanied by tingling or numbness in the surrounding area

Migraine without aura symptoms – This is the more common migraine experience and can cause –

— Unusual sensations

— Scalp tenderness

— Irritability

— Double vision; blind spots; seeing zig zag; partial blindness in a single eye

— Dizziness or lightheadedness

— Nausea and/or vomiting

— Pounding or throbbing head pain

— Sensitivity to sound and/or light

— Paralysis on one side of the face

All symptoms generally subside after the cessation of the migraine. However sensitivity to sound and smell, and a feeling of weakness and loss of appetite, may linger during migraine recovery.

How long can a migraine last? Anywhere from a few hours (3 or more hours) to a few days (3 or more days)

How can you treat migraines?

— Medication – some over-the-counter medications can provide migraine relief. However, depending on the severity of the migraine, some women may require prescription pills. Furthermore, migraine medication should be taken when first signs appear. Usually, a fully developed migraine will not respond to medication.

Note: talk to your doctor about your migraines and ask for medication recommendation

— Solitude – Seek the quiet comfort of a dark, cool room, lie down, and close your eyes. You may also want to try relaxation or meditative techniques that focus your mind on a positive image or thought to help relieve pain.

How can you prevent menopause migraines?

Reduce stress – If you are overworked, anxious, or suffering emotional distress you need to find ways to alleviate stress. Take breaks and enjoy time to yourself – relax.

Exercise – Exercise helps improve circulation, mood and reduces stress. Walking, swimming, or engaging in Yoga, are ideas you can explore.

Watch your diet – make sure you are eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of water, fruits and vegetables. Limit your intake of caffeine, alcohol and preservative foods, all of which can contribute to migraines.

Get proper sleep – Restful sleep is important for bodily health and balance.

Hormonal therapy – If your menopause migraines are not stress related, ask your doctor about taking hormonal therapy to increase estrogen levels to achieve hormonal balance.

About the Author: If you would like more information on

menopause migraines

or other common menopause symptoms, please visit

Natural Menopause Relief Secrets



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