Come Here In India And Experience Birding Tours}

Come here in India and Experience Birding Tours


Balvinder Singh

India is the favorite destination of innumerous migratory birds which fly all the way here during winters to escape from the harsh cold of their native regions. The arrival of these migratory birds makes India a much sought-after place for bird watchers from across the globe.

Among the many regions, one of the most sellable is the

birding tour of North India

. This region includes the states of Delhi, Haryana, Uttaranchal, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The myriad avian population here is eye catching and dazzling to bird lovers. These birding sites are a sight to behold during its peak season with all the flapping and fluttering of chirping birds echoing the landscapes.


Keoladeo Bird sanctuary also known as Bharatpur Bird sanctuary is the most ideal place for

Indian bird watching tours

. Once upon a time, it served as a hunting ground for the Royals. Shooting birds was a popular sport but over the time, better sense prevailed and gunshots turned into conservation. Today it witnesses more photo shots than ever before as thousands of bird lovers throng to this place every year.

The timing for

birding tours to India

differs according to season. Before planning a trip, it is better to check the best time to visit section of official websites. However, October is the season for visiting Keoladeo as this is the time when the migratory birds start arriving in search of warmer pastures. The famous Siberian Crane, Dalmatian Pelican, Sarus Crane and other species of Flycatchers, Hawks, Stints etc make their way here all the way from Siberia crossing Afghanistan and Pakistan to cover a distance of 6400 kms. Some of these birds are on the verge of extinction as they number only a few hundred.

Flamingos, Sarus Cranes, Tadpoles, Brahminy Ducks, Geese and Herons feast on the wetlands of Bharatpur. Arrivals start from October till December and they start leaving by March. Patna Bird Park in Agra, Valavedar National Park, Khichan, Desert National Park, Kumbhalgarh, Chambal National Park, etc are some of the other known spots for birding tours of North India.

Birding tours to India

is one of the best excuse to witness some of the most spectacular bird watching sites. There is no better fun that watching some of the rarest of birds in their natural habitat, singing to the most melodious of tunes. Be sure to carry a pair of binoculars and a camera to capture these precious moments. For a truly authentic bird watching experience it is advisable to hire the services of specialized bird watching guides and travel operators. Also, bird watching is best experienced in a group.

Indian bird watching tours

fulfill your all the criteria of responsible tourism. Efforts are made to sustain the equilibrium set by nature; hence tours are conducted with the least of noise. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the natural sounds of the birds and not disturb them in their nesting place.

Indian bird watching tours

can be best experienced under the expert guidance of trained bird watcher Balvinder Singh (Bali). An experienced bird explorer myself, I provide detailed itineraries through my company to show you some of the rarest and most spectacular birds of my land.My

birding tour of North India

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