Eliminate Wet Basements With A Wall Armor Installation In Rockville

byAlma Abell

All homes, both old and new, can be plagued with moisture problems in their basements and crawl spaces. Any crack or crevice, no matter how small can allow water to enter. This moisture can cause a lot of problems for the structure of the home and for the people who live there as well.


The most worrisome issue of wet basements is mold and mildew. It can harm building supports, ruin painted and papered walls and make the inhabitants of the home ill. High humidity levels can also lead to unpleasant smells that can infiltrate living spaces and humidity may even encourage invasions of certain types of insects. Wet basements are also often impossible to use for storage and damp crawlspaces can be a wet, muddy mess that no one wants to enter. This water can also cause problems for water heaters, furnaces and any other electrically powered feature stored or installed in the basement.

The first step to repairing a moisture problem is identifying the source of the moisture. It is important to make certain the water is entering from outside and not appearing because of a malfunction of plumbing or sewer lines inside. The most common causes of water entering a home are inaccurately directed gutters and downspouts and a lack of drainage around the perimeter of the home. Eliminating these problems will reduce the water which makes its way inside, but it will rarely erase the entire problem.

In most cases the basement will need to be waterproofed with something like a Wall Armor Installation in Rockville. These types of systems can be used in basements and crawl spaces to create a dry and comfortable space. Once complete, the area is clean and dry and able to be used as a living space or for storage as it was initially intended.

If you are tired of sloshing through a muddy crawlspace or have had too many items ruined in your wet basement, check out Armoredbasement.com to learn more about how you can schedule a Wall Armor Installation in Rockville for your own home. They can perform a free inspection and give you a list of what options are available for your situation.

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