Name Changes Using Numerology To Decipher The Code

Submitted by: Joanne Justis

Name changes are not as they would appear to be. Changing a name may seem like an easy thing to do but take if from an expert, a name change can set you backwards in a big way! What you don t know is how that name change will affect you. If the new name is not compatible with your birth name, you will experience internal power struggles. Using Numerology to decipher the code to find out if the two names are compatible is the only way to ensure that the name change is a good decision.

You may change your birthname many times over in your lifetime, either legally or not–because of marriage, career, or simply because you do not like your birthname. So, what s in a name? Is your name really important? And does it really matter if you change names?

Normally, a new name gradually influences the characteristics of your life over time. As you use the new name, its effect on your experiences becomes more and more predominant.

Whatever the reason is for a name change, it does in fact have either a positive effect or negative effect on you. Most parents spend much time and thought in sounding out and trying on baby names before finally choosing one, and then it s permanent–that is, until it changes!


Your name is the key that gives you access to the design and blueprint of your life. When you understand the correct science of Numerology, you will learn that you come into this life with an Owners Manual describing how your name and birthdate provide that design and blueprint of who you really are.

Your name reveals your three core characteristics: Soul Desire (Heart s Desire), Personality, Purpose, and More. When you change your name, you alter or modify your original foundational blueprint. The new name acts as an overlaying influence on the original blueprint, and attracts a new set of experiences. This name will channel your life into new directions, which can either enhance the characteristics of your original blueprint or not! In time, under continued use and habit, your new influences and patterns, for better or worse, become the path forward for you.

Potential complications may result from using multiple names at the same time–for example, having a legal name change, a marriage name change, a nickname, an office name, or a stage name–causing new and different, sometimes overwhelming, experiences, choices, or opportunities to occur in your life simultaneously.

The name you were born with is the foundational design and blueprint of your life, no matter how many times you choose to change it. However, changing your name forms a new blueprint, altering your personal characteristics that the name reveals (Soul Desire/Heart s Desire, Personality, Purpose and Soul Qualities). Since the birthdate never changes, the characteristics of the birthdate remain the same.

Always remember that your name at birth defines your true calling. If the patterns of your life deviate so greatly from your original purpose because of the name change, then startling and unsettling events can take place. The foundational blueprint generally remains dormant yet active below the surface waiting to reassert itself. However, after nine years, the name change vibrations will resonate 100% with you, attracting different experiences than those planned in your foundational blueprint.

The name that you accept and use reflects the vibrational patterns of the role that you are playing, or an event or situation you are experiencing. Normally, the names that you want to be called are sounds that you feel comfortable with. As a result, certain environmental patterns or models of living built up in your mind come into your experiencing. When you resent or hate your birthname, it is indicative of rebellion against the particular blueprint outlined for you. You re unconsciously rebelling against the unfolding vibrational patterns which you (your higher self) had signed up for, let s say having a contract between you and your higher self, which you decided at some level not to honor. Therefore, for whatever reason you change your name, you change the nature of your life and your expectations. Have the changes brought you a life you wanted or expected?

Case Study Example of a Change of Name:

Before Karen married, her birth name revealed her life s purpose was to exercise executive ability to acquire money and position, with a personality that exuded sociability and success. When she married and changed her last name, her purpose changed from being an executive to pursuing intellectual activities, becoming less materialistic, and her personality became carefree, seeking constant change, requiring more balance and control in her life.

It is recommended that you use one legal name to avoid confusion in your life from the different experiences of each multiple name. Use a nickname or stage name, but keep in mind that multiple names bring new and unexpected patterns and circumstances into your life. It is always best to consult with an expert before deciding about name changes, to make sure you understand the meaning of your name and what the proposed names mean.

Copyright 2010 Numbers R U. All Rights Reserved. Numbers R U is a registered service mark of Joanne Justis.

About the Author: Joanne Justis is a worldwide authority on Chaldean Numerology and is a Gifted, Intuitive Metaphysical Practitioner. Numbers RU (

) is an innovative company dedicated to assisting individuals in their personal development and self-improvement journey.


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