By Mike Parkers
When you think of body building what comes to mind? Well to me I tend to think of big burley men with bulging muscles and veins sticking out everywhere. Well much to my surprise this is not the case anymore.
More and more body building woman are getting into the sport of body building. Growing in popularity woman are competing on the same level as men, sculpting there muscles and competing for titles, these woman are amazing. So join the other fans and watch a womans body building competition.
Did you know that body building for men is much easier then body building for woman? Well it is. The hormone, testosterone is largely responsible for building muscle, and while both men and woman have testosterone men have a lot more and woman have more estrogen. So when a woman achieves muscles just like a man it is truly amazing.
These body building woman are truly amazing. To get ready for a womans body building competition, woman like men have to follow a strict diet as well as a strict exercise plan. When on a weekly exercise program and diet, a woman can reduce her body fat quite a bit.
Woman unlike men actually need body fat. When a woman does not have body fat she can lose such things as her menstrual cycle and a number of other physical manifestations. If you have ever seen GI Jane the movie she lost her menstrual period due to working out so hard, this is true and dangerously low body fat can result in this loss.
Unfortunately with womans testosterone levels so low and there desire to gain muscle mass some woman will turn to anabolic steroids which can cause all sorts of health problems long term. While yes it does build muscle mass on woman it is illegal and it causes many health problems such as high blood pressure, muscle weakness, hair loss, acne, and in some cases the taking on of male characteristics, like facial hair or increases hair on a womans body.
Which if youre a woman does not seem attractive since shaving is such a part of our daily routines. We do not want to shave our faces too and worry about a five o clock shadow ruining our makeup.
If done right body building woman can define there muscles and improve there over all health. Weather body building is a sport or a hobby it can definitely improve the way a woman looks as well as her health.
About the Author: Mike Parker invites you to visit his how to build up muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of “How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind” right here now.
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