C9010-260 Latest Certification Tests
Adila Masih
Question: 1
A customer system environment is composed of multiple generations of older Power Systems servers and third party servers.
The customer wants to refresh the environment with current technology hardware, and implement private cloud technologies that will also allow the customer to move in the direction of hybrid cloud and off-premises cloud solutions.
Which of the following would enable a salesperson to engage to make a comprehensive TCO argument for POWER8 based servers that is focused on the customer’s specific environment?
A. Eagle Study
B. System Planning Tool
C. Workload Estimator
D. Power Systems Performance Report
Answer: B
Question: 2
Which open source database company offers Postgres Advanced Server on POWER8 systems and has Oracle compatibility?
B. EnterpriseDB
D. MariaDB
Answer: B
Question: 3
A PowerHA solution is being proposed to a customer who wants installation assistance.
What resource can be proposed to perform the installation?
A. Strategic Initiatives (formerly Advanced Technical Support)
B. IBM Development team
C. Lab Services
D. Local Field Technical Sales
Answer: C
Question: 4
A customer’s POWER8 system has disk expansion drawers and needs to non-disruptively install a solution to improve the disk performance at the lowest cost.
What should be proposed to satisfy the customer’s requirement?
A. IBM FlashSystems
B. DCS3700
C. SSD drives
D. V7000
Answer: D
Question: 5
Which POWER8 feature is available only on 870 and E880 models?
A. Concurrent firmware updates
B. Hot Swap PCle adapters
C. Dual HMCs
D. Enterprise Pools
Answer: C
Question: 6
Which of the following is an advantage of POWER8 architecture over HP-x86 architecture?
A. Database integration
B. More threads per core
C. More cores per socket
D. Faster clock speeds
Answer: B
What DirectCertify offers for C9010-260 Exam ?
DirectCertify offers downloadable C9010-260 questions with answers in PDF file which is instantly available for download after pruchase with 90 days free updates and money back guarantee. You may read our guarantee page with all terms written on it for refund process. DirectCertify C9010-260 product price is 39 USD each.
C9010-260 Exam Detailed Information
So what is the C9010-260 exam? It is actually a IBM certified network associate certification that is to be provided by IBM for all the professionals that can actually have the integrity to advance their own professional career. Under most of the information technological branches, and the vendor certification, you find that most of the people tend to go for multiple C9010-260 examinations that IT professionals and the students can actually appear. Such kind of an examination has a particular syllabus, and most of the people depend upon the IT vendor, product or the service in order to get certified. If you manage to become IBM certified, you are definitely going to gain a very good and competitive job, and in todays competition world, you will be able to understand upon the basics on a particular vendor, and find yourself the associate product of this particular essence.
You find that there are many C9010-260 examinations for just a single ID IBM certification. Most of the IBM company examinations does actually have a wide range of C9010-260 certification that is entirely different, and has a very different perspective, based upon the products and services pertaining to the C9010-260. A particular IBM certified network can actually help you to gain and validate the skills that you have actually got, and you would be able to undertake the necessity of the certification in that example.
Test Information:
Total Questions: 186Test Number: C9010-260Vendor Name: IBMCert Name: IBM CERTIFIED SALES SPECIALISTTest Name: IBM Power Systems with POWER8 Sales Skills V2Official Site:http://www.directcertify.co.ukFor More Details: http://www.directcertify.co.uk/C9010-260.htmlGet20% Immediate Discount on Full Training MaterialDiscount Coupon Code:411611IUH5
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