The Importance Of Branding Music Merchandise}

Submitted by: Aiden R.

Musicians these days have a very difficult time selling their music; most of it falls victim to piracy. Thats why its more important now than ever before to sell as much merchandise shirts, posters, buttons, etc. as humanly possible. Some bands are better at this than others, but one band stands above them all: Insane Clown Posse.

One of the most impressive things about the Insane Clown Posse isnt their success, their hatchetman logo, their enormous Juggalo fan base, their own festival, their wrestling league or their expansive record label — its their unprecedented line of merchandise, or ICP gear. Thats why artist merchandise like ICPs gear is so important it goes a long way in making up for lost revenue from illegally downloaded CDs.

Necessity of the Hatchetman

Merchandise is much easier to sell when theres a recognizable brand or logo plastering the item. When people like associating with your brand, theyll take every opportunity they can to do so. Most artists have logos built around their name, but nothing more.


What makes ICP exceptional is that they have a band name, an aptly named record label (Psychopathic Records), a name for their fans (Juggalos), and a maniacal cartoon (the hatchetman) to brand it all with. Thats why all of the Jokers Card faces are so crucial to the success of Insane Clown Posse.

If it werent for Insane Clown Posse member Shaggy 2 Dope sitting down and sketching the now famous hatchetman logo on a napkin back when the band was just getting started, ICP gear would not have nearly the significance it does today.

Product Variety

Aside from having multiple brands, the objective for every band should be to have as many individual products to sell as possible. If we were to list all of the hatchetman-branded ICP gear items out, it would take up multiple pages. The fact is, Insane Clown Posse members Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope realized the importance of diversifying their line of ICP gear early on, and today, theres a multitude of ICP gear out there.

ICP Gear Diversification

Yes, Insane Clown Posse has branded traditional items like clothing, jewelry and accessories with the hatchetman as part of their ICP gear line. And, also to be expected, ICPs gear line is stocked with all of the music and other media like books and movies theyve put out under the Insane Clown Posse name over the years.

Not to be expected — and this is what makes them so unique among bands today is the collectibles section theyve built into the ICP gear line. Insane Clown Posse comic books and action figures based on characters in those comic books have become something that diehard Juggalos pine for regularly.

Insane Clown Posse have even gotten creative with their traditional ICP gear items like clothing, extending it to include items like backpacks, wallets, and school supplies. Back to branding, much of these items are stamped with a Jokers Card face or the hatchetman.

About the Author: Horror rap duo Insane Clown Posse have made a name for themselves not only in music, but also through their impressive merchandise line of ICP gear, mostly branded with the famous hatchetman and jokers cards faces. To learn more aboutICP Gear or the hatchetman, please visit the bands website at


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Important Facts About Real Estate Email Marketing

By Jake D. Darren

The Internet has changed how some business is currently carried out. This applies across different fields of trade. Real estate email marketing technique is among the several approaches that make use of the prevailing internet technologies.

One obvious advantage of using these technologies is the potential market expanse. As such any implementation on such a platform is likely to have a wide scope because of the global expanse. In this way many people from around the world can be reached based on such an approach. This may represent the market niche of the company involved.

In order to utilize such a global platform a number of techniques are common. Among them is the electronic mail. This as one of the convenient techniques ensures instantaneous electronic message delivery. It also provides an online forum for interaction.


The use of electronic mail also enables a consistent message to be send to several recipients who may be a very large group dispersed world wide. This will save the company the cost of stationary and postal services. It also improves efficiency during processing in which case the communication expedient is leading to improved service.

Generally in order to implement this electronic mail advertisement process various requirements are important. The contacts of the prospective recipients must first be available. In addition the terms of communication must also be clearly spelt out and understandable from the customer perspective. In this way a customer will voluntarily choose to subscribe to the email service or not. This is important in maintaining a professional approach to the marketing process.

As such most companies provide an option for online visitors to sign up or first register before they can view the details on their service and property. In this way a client contacts database is implemented from where the valid addresses of the clients can be fetched during the electronic mailing process. However during the sign up process a person can choose to receive such correspondence about the products and services on offer. Further still flow up mails have a link to enable the customer to immediately unsubscribe from the list. This is critical in differentiating such a technique from the junk mail that is an offensive experience for many people. Primarily the electronic mail here can also include other attachments like brochures and catalogs of the property or services being offered.

Once subscribed the client will periodically receive such electronic correspondence send by the company. In this way the customer receives update information on products and services of interest from the company. This information will also include the terms of purchase and the pricing from which the customer can go ahead and make a purchase as appropriately determined.

In this way real estate email marketing offers benefits to both the customer and the company in a number of ways. Through such services property information can be quickly dispersed to many people most of whom are potential customers. This can also inspire customer feedback and in some cases result in actual sales.

About the Author: You can get excellent e-marketing tips and more information about the best

real estate email marketing

strategies at right now.


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