Right Vs Wrong: How To Build An Email List

Submitted by: Vanessa Deakin

Email newsletters (aka E-zines) can be regarded as one of the best business communication tools invented for a long time.

They are low cost – even no cost in comparison to paying for paper, printing, envelopes, and postage.

They are instantly deliverable directly to the desired recipient.

They are created with ease and minimal fuss.

They are environmentally friendly – no paper or transport to distant subscribers.

They allow you to stay on the radar of qualified prospects and existing customers in a low-key, non-threatening way.

They position you as an expert, authority, and credible resource in your industry.

Little wonder that so many businesses are jumping on the bandwagon with aggressive list-building tactics. The choice between right and wrong becomes paramount, and your ethics, credibility, and reputation all come in to play when you choose how to build your list.

The wrong ways, while not yet illegal, are currently under review and challenge by both the European Union and the United States of America. Some dodgy tactics include:

Buying databases and mailing lists from vendors who sell them


Adding every contact you meet at networking events

Mining other databases like Chamber of Commerce member lists and the Yellow Pages

Using ‘Opt-out’

(Please note that I am


talking about occasional ad hoc emails, I am specifically referring to adding these names to your regular E-zine subscriber list)

Doing so will add thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of names to your list.

What is the point of a subscriber list of thousands who never asked to receive your information, probably will never even open your messages, and certainly will never do business with you? It’s a case in point of quantity rather than quality.

How will unsolicited SPAM position you as credible? How will it draw prospects to doing business with you?

As an example, recently I received an email from a local Law Firm that I have never had any dealings with. Somehow I have landed on their subscriber list. (You’d think a law firm would lead by example!)

The email is addressed: ‘Dear Client’. Ahem – I am not, never have been, and now certainly will never be. They have completely blown their own credibility in my eyes.

At the end, they have their ‘Opt-Out’ clause: ‘This newsletter is sent in accordance with the EU Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive. If you no longer wish to receive it please send an email to **** to unsubscribe’.

Why must I have the hassle of asking them to remove me from a subscription service that I never asked to be a part of in the first place? The next one I receive will be flagged as SPAM. They will learn the hard way when the ISPs blacklist their outbound emails. (


If you are having problems with sending outgoing emails, and have an email newsletter with subscribers who haven’t subscribed themselves, you may want to check your ‘blacklisting’ status with your Internet Service Provider.)

Do you even trust Unsubscribe links anyway? How many times have you tried following one and then either being asked to log in (eh? With what details??) or received a ‘successfully unsubscribed’ message only to find you continue receiving the newsletters anyway?

The above tactics only serve to destroy your own credibility and reputation. Rather than being on the radar in a non-threatening way you may be pushing your prospects away.

Don’t despair: There are better ways!

There are many reputable businesses and E-zine publishers who are getting the process right. In so doing they are growing their lists with warm, qualified subscribers who have a much higher likelihood of becoming paying clients in time. Look at what they are doing so you can emulate their techniques as well as their success.

Here are some of the ethical, honest, and best-practice methods that they (and we) use:

Use verified opt-in services.

It will take longer to grow a list this way, but each and every person on that list has chosen to be there. They have qualified themselves in, are expecting to hear from you, are most likely to open and read your messages, and have an even higher likelihood of doing business with you when ready. The best way to do this is to use one of the reputable list managers in the market. Get recommendations. We love



Have a clear privacy policy.

Email addresses are like gold. Let your subscribers know that they can trust you to treat theirs as such. Make is clear that you will not rent, sell, or share their information with any third parties. Also make it clear what you will do with their subscriber info. For example read Zee2A’s Privacy Policy at http://www.zee2a.com/privacy.html.

Only send relevant information.

Set expectations upfront about the kind of information you send your subscribers and then keep your promises. If you offer a Tax Consulting service your subscribers will expect information relating to that. They don’t want emails from you marketing Time-Share in Spain. Here at Zee2A we help our clients grow their businesses, so our emails will always contain articles, hints, tips, and suggestions on doing just that. Not the latest Make-up and fashion trends!

Make it easy to get in touch with you.

The internet can be a vast, impersonal, black hole. Show your subscribers the real ‘you’ behind the website and the E-zine. We always include a photograph to make it more personal and so that you can put our names and faces together. We also include contact information (http://www.zee2a.com/contactus.html) so that you can write, email, or call us.

Make it easy to unsubscribe.

If your readers choose to no longer receive your newsletters they should not need to jump through hoops to have their wishes granted. There should be no shenanigans. Your privacy policy and use of a reputable list manager will ensure integrity in this matter.

Keep an eye out for my follow up article, coming soon, in it I will outline various tried and tested methods to grow your E-Zine list with quality subscribers who look forward to hearing from you.

About the Author: Vanessa Deakin, Operations Director at Zee2A, works with Professional Service Executives frustrated and disappointed with their current growth rates, marketing efforts and business profitability. She helps them to skyrocket their results and break their own best records. To learn more or sign up for her e-zine, please visit





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What Are The Fastest Growing Economies Of 2012?

What Are the Fastest Growing Economies of 2012?


Cedric Loiselle

The fastest growing economies 2012 is seeing are surprisingly not the ones you would expect to show up in the list. This time United States and several nations in Europe are going through challenging economic times. But some countries have soaring economies. Not all of them are rich though.


Niger depends on other countries for economic aid. One of the poorest nations on the world suffers from droughts. Despite economic hostility, the population grows steeply. However, you will be surprised to learn that recent prognosis speak of a seemingly strong future, as Niger has expanded its resource base of gold, coal, and oil. The GDP forecast for 2012 is $7.38 billion. Niger sees a GDP growth of 15.4%.


Economists say that Iraq is doing well. Its economy shows rapid recovery in spite of the political and social instability. The country expects a GDP growth of 10.5% in 2012. This growth comes from increased export of oil and high energy prices. The GDP forecast for 2012 is $128 billion.



Angola s GDP growth is 10.496% and its GDP forecast for 2012 is $1.32 billion. The government aims to restructure the industrial sector. With funding fro the IMF and World Bank, Angola may be able to pull off economic reforms, improve infrastructure, and enhance commerce. The country is known for its petroleum and diamonds, which make up 90% of its GDP and export.


Unlike the previous two African countries mentioned, Liberia is well-off. Its strong relations with the United States stimulated close trade. Economic climate changed in the 1980s, but things started to do better in 2006. In 2012, the GDP growth is 10.496%.


It s not surprising to see China in this list. China s economic liberalization and modernization led to development. China s rise in the economic rank inspired awe among other developing and some developed nations. Today, China becomes one of the top and important trading partners of other rich nations. While the GDP growth is 9.52%, the expected GDP for 2012 is $7,209.42 billion.


The Haiti Hemispheric Opportunity was signed in 2006 with the aim of ameliorating export and investment. This was supposed to be a good partnership with the USA, but a series of tropical storms in 2008 caused an economic setback. Then, the 2010 earthquake worsened the economic conditions. Nonetheless, these natural calamities did not stop Haiti from seeing economic boon. Expected GDP for 2012 is a little over 9 billion dollars and the GDP growth is 8.8%.

East Timor

Timor Leste boasts one of the highest economic growth rates in 2012 in spite of the challenges in infrastructure civil government, and employment. What augments government revenue is the development of hydrocarbons resources, but even this development does little to solve unemployment. Nonetheless, the 2012 GDP growth is 8.63%.


The economy of this country is under the control of its government the only African government that doesn t approve of privatization. Ethiopia is blessed with fertile soil. The 2012 GDP prognosis is 32.3 billion dollars. GDP growth has been noted at 8.02%.


The second most populous country in the world has one of the fastest growing economies in 2012. Apparently, the large pool of talent is one of India s strengths. Moreover, the opportunities for economic growth in the coming years seem to be everywhere. The GDP forecast of $1.858.9 billion is awesome.


Mozambique s economy started to take a leap forward shortly before the 90s. Macroeconomic reforms today have had a positive influence on the economy. The GDP forecast for 2012 is $12.9 billion.

For more information about

fastest growing economies 2012

visit our website http://www.poptens.com/2012/03/12/top-10-fastest-growing-economies-in-2012/

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What Are the Fastest Growing Economies of 2012?

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Ease Your Mind With Building Site Security In London

Ease your mind with building site security in London by Brian MillerMany personal security measures nowadays like doors, locks, alarm systems, lighting, motion detectors and security camera systems that are installed in your property may not be sufficient to thwart mishaps unless there are experts manning them. Investors spend a lot in their construction business. Why risk your belongings in the hands of untrained personnel? Employ professionals in building site security in London. Trained construction site security guards can be the best option when the building is under construction. The way they handle situations is efficient and appropriate. They won’t let you bear the slightest loss on your property. Whether it is personal or professional service, they are always at your service.Nowadays in every occasion right from sporting events, destination parties, festivals or any other gathering, security is given the highest priority. A licensed guard will make an event successful. Even celebrities prefer professionals for their personal security and worry-free movement. Intrusion, disruption and sabotage can lead to huge financial crisis on construction sites. Moreover, if the site consists of heavy machinery, chances of accidents are increased drastically. Presence of construction site security guards prevents vital accidents which may otherwise terminate the project permanently due to legal issues. So why not bring them to you construction sites? Arranging for building site security in London can be a good decision that keeps you away from losses.Unsecured site attracts criminal activities easily. Your assets are always exposed to unlawful entering, burglary or vandalism. These events can lead to immense financial losses. Besides defacing property, ruining of construction edifices and vandalism of machinery are some of the other ways to harm a construction site. Even your expelled ex-employee may plan some unlawful activities that may hammer your reputation badly and set you back in terms of money and time. So, it is very important to have a concrete sophisticated hi-tech security teams. So, look for providers of building site security in London who have licensed, trained and experienced construction site security guards serving you 24×7.You may have entrusted the maintenance of your property to supervisors and trusted fellows. However, one cannot guarantee whether they aren’t opportunists. They can add to your misery by selling your costly equipment and goods illegally. And that can obstruct your work if it’s a major project and put your reputation at stake. What is the use of being in so much of worries when professional services like building site security in London are waiting to gift you a tension-free life? So, be thoughtful about the security of your construction site, recruit able construction site security guards and leave your property in safe hands.You should not take the security of construction sites lightly. It can indeed turn into a grave issue if any untoward incident happens. So, an early investment can actually save you lots and lead to peaceful nights of sleep. Don’t be despoiled and don’t be a victim of criminal activities, rather act wisely. So, start your research on Internet and learn more on building site security in London. Once you have shortlisted the companies, call up the construction site security guards for an open discussion.Employ stout construction site security guards and be assured of complete safety. building site security in London provides customised security plans meeting all your requirements.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com

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Come Here In India And Experience Birding Tours}

Come here in India and Experience Birding Tours


Balvinder Singh

India is the favorite destination of innumerous migratory birds which fly all the way here during winters to escape from the harsh cold of their native regions. The arrival of these migratory birds makes India a much sought-after place for bird watchers from across the globe.

Among the many regions, one of the most sellable is the

birding tour of North India

. This region includes the states of Delhi, Haryana, Uttaranchal, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The myriad avian population here is eye catching and dazzling to bird lovers. These birding sites are a sight to behold during its peak season with all the flapping and fluttering of chirping birds echoing the landscapes.


Keoladeo Bird sanctuary also known as Bharatpur Bird sanctuary is the most ideal place for

Indian bird watching tours

. Once upon a time, it served as a hunting ground for the Royals. Shooting birds was a popular sport but over the time, better sense prevailed and gunshots turned into conservation. Today it witnesses more photo shots than ever before as thousands of bird lovers throng to this place every year.

The timing for

birding tours to India

differs according to season. Before planning a trip, it is better to check the best time to visit section of official websites. However, October is the season for visiting Keoladeo as this is the time when the migratory birds start arriving in search of warmer pastures. The famous Siberian Crane, Dalmatian Pelican, Sarus Crane and other species of Flycatchers, Hawks, Stints etc make their way here all the way from Siberia crossing Afghanistan and Pakistan to cover a distance of 6400 kms. Some of these birds are on the verge of extinction as they number only a few hundred.

Flamingos, Sarus Cranes, Tadpoles, Brahminy Ducks, Geese and Herons feast on the wetlands of Bharatpur. Arrivals start from October till December and they start leaving by March. Patna Bird Park in Agra, Valavedar National Park, Khichan, Desert National Park, Kumbhalgarh, Chambal National Park, etc are some of the other known spots for birding tours of North India.

Birding tours to India

is one of the best excuse to witness some of the most spectacular bird watching sites. There is no better fun that watching some of the rarest of birds in their natural habitat, singing to the most melodious of tunes. Be sure to carry a pair of binoculars and a camera to capture these precious moments. For a truly authentic bird watching experience it is advisable to hire the services of specialized bird watching guides and travel operators. Also, bird watching is best experienced in a group.

Indian bird watching tours

fulfill your all the criteria of responsible tourism. Efforts are made to sustain the equilibrium set by nature; hence tours are conducted with the least of noise. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the natural sounds of the birds and not disturb them in their nesting place.

Indian bird watching tours

can be best experienced under the expert guidance of trained bird watcher Balvinder Singh (Bali). An experienced bird explorer myself, I provide detailed itineraries through my company wildlifeexplorerindia.com to show you some of the rarest and most spectacular birds of my land.My

birding tour of North India

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70 480 Test Certification}

Submitted by: Brent Fowler

Question: 1


You are validating user input by using JavaScript and regular expressions.

A group of predefined regular expressions will validate two input fields:

An email address in a function named validateEmail (for example, firstname@contoso.com)

A nine-digit number that allows optional hyphens after the second and fifth character in a function named validateSSN(for example, 555555555 or 555-55-5555)

You need to use the correct expression to validate the input.

Which expression should you insert into each function? (To answer, drag the appropriate regular expression statement to the correct location. Each regular expression statement may be used once, more than once, or not at all. You may need to drag the split bar between panes or scroll to view content.)


Question: 2

You are developing a customer web form that includes the following HTML.

A customer must enter a valid age in the text box prior to submitting the form.

You need to add validation to the control.

Which code segment should you use?

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

Answer: D


Return value

A string containing the value of the element, or an array of strings if the element can have multiple values

Question: 3

You are developing a customer contact form that will be displayed on a page of a company’s website. The page collects information about the customer.

If a customer enters a value before submitting the form, it must be a valid email address.

You need to ensure that the data validation requirement is met.

What should you use?





Answer: D





Question: 4


You are developing a form that captures a user’s email address by using HTML5 and jQuery.

The form must capture the email address and return it as a query string parameter. The query string parameter must display the @ symbol that is used in the email address.

You need to implement this functionality.

How should you develop the form? (To answer, drag the appropriate code segment to the correct target or targets in the answer area. Each code segment may be used once, more than once, or not at all. You may need to drag the split bar between panes or scroll to view content.)



* The serialize() method creates a URL encoded text string by serializing form values.

You can select one or more form elements (like input and/or text area), or the form element itself.

The serialized values can be used in the URL query string when making an AJAX request.

Example: $(“form”).serialize());

* decodeURIComponent

The decodeURIComponent() function decodes a URI component.

Return Value: A String, representing the decoded URI


Not decodeURI:

decodeURI is intended for use on the full URI.

decodeURIComponent is intended to be used on .. well .. URI components that is any part that lies between separators (; / ? : @ & = + $ , #).

Reference: jQuery serialize() Method



Question: 5

You are developing an application that consumes a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service.

The application interacts with the service by using the following code. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)

You need to authenticate to the WCF service.

What should you do?

A. At line 11, add the following lines of code.

,username: yourusername


,password: yourpassword

B. At line 11, add the following line of code.

,credentials: prompt

C. At line 06, replace the code with the following line of code.

url: “http://contoso.com/Service.svc/GetCountry?


D. At line 11, add the following line of code. The username and password will be stored in an XML file.

,credentials: credentials.xml

Answer: C

Question: 6

You are developing a web page that enables customers to upload documents to a web server. The page includes an HTML5 PROGRESS element named progressBar that displays information about the status of the upload.

The page includes the following code. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)

An event handler must be attached to the request object to update the PROGRESS element on the page.

You need to ensure that the status of the upload is displayed in the progress bar.

Which line of code should you insert at line 03?

A. xhr.upload.onloadeddata =

B. xhr.upload.onplaying =

C. xhr.upload.onseeking =

D. xhr.upload.onprogress =

Answer: D


xhr.upload.onprogress = function(evt)


if (evt.lengthComputable)


var percentComplete = parseInt((evt.loaded / evt.total) * 100);

console.log(“Upload: ” + percentComplete + “% complete”)





Question: 7

You are developing a customer web form that includes the following HTML.

Information from the web form is submitted to a web service. The web service returns the following JSON object.


“Confirmation”: “1234”,

“FirstName”: “John”


You need to display the Confirmation number from the JSON response in the txtValue label field.

Which JavaScript code segment should you use?

A. $(“#txtValue”).val = (JSONObject.Confirmation);

B. $(“#txtValue”).val (JSONObject.Confirmation);

C. $(“#txtValue”).text = (JSONObject.Confirmation);

D. $(“#txtValue”).text (JSONObject.Confirmation);

Answer: D


not A, not B: A label object has no value attribute.



Question: 8


You are developing a web application that retrieves data from a web service. The data being retrieved is a custom binary datatype named bint. The data can also be represented in XML.

Two existing methods named parseXml() and parseBint() are defined on the page.

The application must:

Retrieve and parse data from the web service using binary format if possible

Retrieve and parse the data from the web service using XML when binary format is not possible

You need to develop the application to meet the requirements.

What should you do? (To answer, select the appropriate options from the drop-down lists in the answer area.)


* accepts : ‘application/bint, text/xml’

accepts:’application/bin,text/xml’ to accept only XML and binary content in HTML responses.

* Use the following condition to check if the html response content is binary: If(request.getResponseHeader(“Content-Type”)==”application/bint”

* var request = $.ajax({


accepts: ‘application/bint, text/xml’,

datafilter: function(data,type){


eturn parseBint(data);


eturn parseXml();


success: function (data) {




Question: 9

You are developing a customer web form that includes the following HTML.

A customer must enter a value in the text box prior to submitting the form.

You need to add validation to the text box control.

Which HTML should you use?





Answer: A

Definition and Usage

The required attribute is a boolean attribute.

When present, it specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form.


An HTML form with a required input field:



Reference: HTML required Attribute


Question: 10


You are developing a web page for runners who register for a race. The page includes a slider control that allows users to enter their age.

You have the following requirements:

All runners must enter their age.

Applications must not be accepted from runners less than 18 years of age or greater than 90 years.

The slider control must be set to the average age (37) of all registered runners when the page is first displayed.

You need to ensure that the slider control meets the requirements.

What should you do? (To answer, drag the appropriate word or number to the correct location in the answer area. Each word or number may be used once, more than once, or not at all. You may need to drag the split bar between panes or scroll to view content.)


Box 1-3: The is used for input fields that should contain a value within a range.


Box 4-5: Use the value attribute to set the default value

Box 6: Definition and Usage

The required attribute is a boolean attribute.

When present, it specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form.



Reference: HTML Input Types


Question: 11

You are developing an HTML5 web application that displays the current temperature whenever a button is clicked. The following code provides this functionality.

When the temperature is loaded, the status property on the loader instance does not change.

You need to ensure that the status property on the loader instance is updated when the temperature is loaded.

Which code segment should you use to replace the Loader function?

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

Answer: A


not D: window.status property

The status property sets the text in the status bar at the bottom of the browser, or returns the previously set text.

Question: 12

You are creating a class named Consultant that must inherit from the Employee class. The Consultant class must modify the inherited PayEmployee method. The Employee class is defined as follows.

function Employee() {}

Employee.prototype.PayEmployee = function ( ){

alert(‘Hi there!’);


Future instances of Consultant must be created with the overridden method.

You need to write the code to implement the Consultant class.

Which code segments should you use? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)

A. Consultant.PayEmployee = function ()


alert(‘Pay Consulant’);


B. Consultant.prototype.PayEmployee = function ()


alert(‘Pay Consultant’);


C. function Consultant () {



Consultant.prototype = new Employee();

Consultant.prototype.constructor = Consultant;

D. function Consultant() {

Employee.call(this); }

Consultant.prototype.constructor = Consultant.create;

Answer: B, C

* Object.prototype.constructo

Returns a reference to the Object function that created the instance’s prototype. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function’s name. The value is only read-only for primitive values such as 1, true and “test”.

* The constructor property is created together with the function as a single property of func.prototype.

Reference: Object.prototype.constructo

Question: 13

You are modifying an existing web page. The page is being optimized for accessibility. The current page contains the following HTML.

Standards-compliant screen readers must be able to identify the links contained within the navigation structure automatically.

You need to create the navigation link structure in the page.

With which container tags should you wrap the existing markup?





Answer: C



A set of navigation links:



JavaScript |


Reference: HTML Tag


Question: 14


You are developing an airline reservation website by using HTML5 and JavaScript. A page on the site allows users to enter departure and destination airport information and search for tickets.

You have the following requirements:

Users must be able to save information in the application about their favorite destination airport.

The airport information must be displayed in the destination text box whenever the user returns to the page.

You need to develop the site to meet the requirements.

Which lines of code should you use? (To answer, select the appropriate options from the drop-down lists in the answer area.)



* retrieve localStorage.destination

* store localStorage.destination

About the Author: Test Information: Total Questions: 247 Test Number: 70-480 Vendor Name: MICROSOFT Cert Name: MCSD CERTIFICATION Test Name: PROGRAMMING IN HTML5 WITH JAVASCRIPT AND CSS3 Official Site:


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