10 Incredibly Nice Things To Do For Her (Concluding Part)

Submitted by: Jayant Kulkarni

Handing over the remote control is another incredibly nice thing you can do for a woman. You may not want to sit through another episode of a home decorating show but allowing the woman in your life to indulge in this without complaining about her choice will show her that you are not belittling her interests.

If you want to do something really nice for the special woman in your life, get to know her family and friends. Woman value their relationships and she will be pleased about the fact that you take an interest in and get to know the other special people in her life. Caring about those that she loves shows her that you love her.

Still another incredibly nice thing to do for a woman is to write her a love letter and send it in the mail. Sure she sees you every day and you may even exchange emails and phone calls on a daily basis but a love letter is something that she can save in a special place and will cherish. Expressing your love in a letter is a special way to tell a woman that you care deeply about her.


Planning a trip for your woman is another incredibly nice thing you can do for her. A vacation is always nice but when you take the initiative and plan out all the details ahead of time, it shows that you want her to have the enjoyable experience of the trip but that you are willing to take care of all the planning. Women tend to take the lead in making travel arrangements and verifying the logistics of trips but if you take care of that ahead of time, the woman is free to just focus on packing for the trip.

Another incredibly nice thing to do for a woman is to surprise her at work by showing up for a lunch date. Woman always love to be surprised and your lunch date will give her the opportunity to get out of the office for a little while and enjoy some time with you. Many women skip lunch or work straight through it but giving her the opportunity to break away from her desk for even a half hour will give her a welcomed chance to relax a little bit.

Finally if you want to do something really nice for the woman in your life, it could be as simple as opening the car door for her when you go out. Women enjoy being independent but small chivalrous gestures are always appreciated. If you normally rush to the driver s side of the car and hop in, stop once in awhile to open her door first. It will show her that you want to protect and care for her and will make her feel well loved.

There are many ways you can show your love for the special woman in your life. Many of the items listed above may be seemingly small, inconsequential things but it is these little things that really show a woman that you care. Doing nice things for a woman demonstrate that you want to go out of your way to make sure that she is happy.

Read 50 Relationship Articles at : http://www.ebookbaazar.com

About the Author: Dr.jayant kulkarni is motivation and relationship counselor since last 20 years .and worked specially on those strained relations about to break.Most successfully ended in REUNION. Read 50 Relationship Articles at :




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The Use Of Planograms In Retailing

By Adrianna Notton

In retailing, a planogram comes in handy as it can be used as a map that assists in determining the direction the products of the store. It can be defined as theme maker of a store. It is an important tool which retailers have come to learn about and utilize to assist in goods merchandising, with innumerable benefits.

Pronounced as a Plan-o-gram, this visual tool decides what product goes where. It is responsible for the way products appear in supermarkets and apparel stores as a way of maximizing available space vis a vis capital investment.

When making it, research and consultation is very important. Stock movement represents buying trends and based on that, you can easily tell what products need to be on which spot, and of course, fast moving products need to be pushed to the forefront for the obvious reason that they are responsible for quite a bit of the overall turnover. In any business, maximizing profits is the core of every retailer.


Research catapults into the next step which is bringing all the points that involve it, which will now be used in drawing a model. With the model, you then fit boxes that represent actual products which may be visuals that will help determine if the size given will work, color alignment, these help you make the life-size display.

Each store has different needs depending on the line of specialization, local customer demand, size of the store and even the chains preferences. In the case of specialization, stores which sell fast moving goods such as household items will normally use text or box planograms. Fashion stores need the customer to get the real feel of the item so the make use of visuals to give an almost real outlook.

Despite suggestions provided by a supplier, a retail store may still require it based on the local buying trends, which vary according to areas due to different lifestyles. Certain chain stores would like to maintain their uniqueness and may thus come up with a similar technique to be used in all their outlets.

It is useful when it is put into proper use and is well maintained. Ensure all shelves are always stocked and dust free and provide clean labels ad stickers at all times. The advantages of these will come out sooner or later customer loyalty will be exhibited. It also gives a better method of controlling inventory and avoids the redundant out-of-stock mishap by ensuring staff are aware of what products need to be replaced when.

When applicable, suppliers can assist in crying out product research and coming up with one for their products, though many times, a store will come up with this thing themselves. This process has been made easier over time through technology advancement. Planogram software is available for use at a cost but can also be downloaded for one with the skill to use, but in case it is not available, one can make it manually with the use of the usual word processor.

About the Author: Want your products to stand out from your competition? Consider hiring a

retail services provider.

retail merchandising can offer a unique competitive advantage. Consult a retail service specialist today.



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