4 Unique Treatments You May Find At Your Animal Hospital

byAlma Abell

Holistic veterinary care is a whole body approach where your vet is concerned with your pet’s overall health and well-being, not merely in masking symptoms.You may be familiar with the versions of these treatments for humans without having realized how they can help your pet. Here are four alternative practices that your holistic vet might offer:

1. Chiropractic Treatments

Gentle, specific chiropractic moves can help relieve pain for many ailments in a natural way. If your pet suffers from joint pain, arthritis, or sprains, consider seeking chiropractic help from a trained veterinarian. In many cases, relieving the swelling or pressure of a joint can promote pain relief and healing in injury sites.


Chiropractic care is different from massage, which may also be available at your local animal hospital.Tui-Na massage, for example, involves gentle kneading and pulling which helps promote the flow of blood and positive energies. Only a veterinarian trained and experienced in each field should perform chiropractic or massage-based treatments.

2. Flower Essence Care

We all know that lavender oils are relaxing and that a touch of peppermint oil can clear a stuffy nose, but did you know that flower essences can help modify your pet’s behavior? Flower essences are naturally occurring, derived from fruit and vegetable blossoms and used to treat a variety of symptoms and situations. They are known to help with anxiousness, irritability, fear, skittish behavior, aging, scratching, and restlessness in animals. In addition, flower essences can be used to help lessen the stress of traveling or moving. Depending on the essence, the drops can be diluted into fresh water or applied directly to your pet. Consider using flower essence care to help improve your pet’s overall health and emotional well-being.

3. Herbal Formulas

Western and Chinese herbal remedies are a popular choice for many humans, but they can also work wonders for your pet. These alternative medicines are typically gentle and, in the case of Chinese herbs, have been used for centuries. Unlike many modern medications, the goal of herbal formulas is to treat the problem from its root cause, not its symptoms. Most herbal supplements are used on a short-term basis.

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture relates closely to massage because specific points in the body are targeted. These acupuncture points are bundles of nerves and blood vessels which, when stimulated, release a natural pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory agent. Acupuncture does not interfere with medication, nor does it cause harmful side effects, making it a safe treatment for a variety of pet illnesses. If your animal hospital offers acupuncture, your vet should be trained or have a specialist on staff.

For more information you can visit Holistic Veterinary Healing or you can visit Google+Page.


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Use Tryptophan To Boost Your Levels Of The Feel Good Hormone

By Steve P Smith

Tryptophan is one of the ‘essential’ amino acids; ‘essential’ in this context meaning that it cannot be produced by the body, and must therefore be obtained from dietary sources. The best dietary sources of tryptophan are the animal proteins known as first class proteins because they contain all ten essential amino acids; principally meat, including poultry, fish and dairy produce. Second class proteins are typically obtained from vegetables, grains, nuts and beans, and contain some but not all of the essential amino acids. Taken in appropriate combinations, however, these food types can also help provide the full range of essential amino acids.

As an essential amino acid, tryptophan has an important general role, together with the other twenty or so amino acids which have been identified, in the production of the countless thousands of proteins which form much of the body’s tissue. Many of the enzymes which control the countless biochemical reactions which are vital for health are also formed from protein, as are the antibodies that fight disease.

More specifically, there is good evidence that taking tryptophan as an individual amino acid in the form of a dietary supplement may increase the amount of serotonin produced by the body. Serotonin has become popularly known as the ‘feel-good hormone’, or the body’s own natural tranquiliser, and the body’s production of serotonin is very heavily dependent on its intake of tryptophan.


The fact that tryptophan is the most organically complex of the amino acids makes it the most expensive to obtain in supplement form, but the importance of serotonin to health, particularly mental health, may nevertheless make it well worth considering in certain circumstances.

Good levels of serotonin are also required for the production of melatonin, the hormone which is principally responsible for the maintenance of regular cycles of sleep and wakefulness, and consequently has a profound effect on overall health. Tryptophan (or 5 hydroxy-tryptophan) has therefore been commonly recommended for those suffering from insomnia and other sleep disturbances, but it has also been used to tackle a range of conditions including depression, anxiety and panic attacks, migraine, obsessive compulsive and attention deficit disorders, social phobias, eating disorders and even autism.

Perhaps most excitement, however, has been generated by tryptophan’s apparent role in controlling the appetite. Serotonin is known to be secreted on the digestion of carbohydrate, helping to produce that feeling of satisfaction and fullness following a meal which is an important signal to the body to stop eating. There is some evidence, therefore, that supplements of tryptophan may help with weight loss for those following reduced calorie control programs by reducing the sensation of hunger; in effect by tricking the body into believing it is fuller than it actually is.

Supplements are normally taken in three doses totalling between 150 – 300 mg a day, preferably taken on an empty stomach. Side effects are only very rarely seen at such levels, and have been confined to minor digestive upsets and headaches. Such supplementation should not be continued for too long, however, because amino acids operate in a complementary manner, and their proper functioning may be disturbed if an imbalance is created through single supplements. It is therefore not recommended that any supplementation with tryptophan should be continued for longer than three months, and it should be avoided in any case during pregnancy and while taking anti-depressant drugs. Tryptophan may also cause drowsiness and so is also contra-indicated for use when high levels of alertness are required, eg whilst driving.

And, as always, the holistic nature of the body’s functioning should be stressed; meaning that amino acids, including tryptophan, are no different from any nutrient or supplement in that they will perform correctly only when at least adequate amounts of all the nutrients needed by the body are present.

So if taking supplements of tryptophan, you should ensure that you continue to include good supplies of high quality protein foods in your diet; and for maximum absorption and optimum effect these should be taken with plentiful quantities, including supplements if necessary, of all necessary vitamins and minerals. But in the case of tryptophan, in particular, it appears that vitamin B6 and vitamin C are especially important, and in precise proportions, if serotonin is to be released, and that 1,000 mg of vitamin C and 100 mg of B6 are required for each 2,000 mg of tryptophan.

About the Author: Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in direct marketing and with a particular interest in health products.

Find out more at sisyphuspublicationsonline.com/LiquidNutrition/TryptophanandSerotonin.htm



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Erectile Dysfunction Supplement A Cure Without Side Effects!

By Alex Rocklane

Searching for a treatment for erectile dysfunction? Opting for the safest remedy? Tired of experiencing side effects? You dont need to look any further; the answers may just be in your very own kitchen!

Erectile dysfunction supplements are great alternatives as remedy for poor sexual performance. They are all-natural, thus without the risks of side effects. Furthermore, these supplements are beneficial for the bodys over-all functioning. Aside from the obvious health benefits, erectile dysfunction supplements may cost cheaper than medications.

Remember that the most common cause of erectile dysfunction is poor blood circulation, especially in the genitalia. Therefore it is important to keep your body nourished to help regulate blood flow.

Below is a list of recommended foods which can be taken as erectile dysfunction supplements:

1. Tropical fruits (bananas, kiwi, mangoes, papaya)

When plaque and calcium build up in the arteries, it causes restriction in the blood flow. Chelation therapy is an alternative method used to dissolve blockages in the tiny capillaries of the male organ

Eating tropical fruits gives your body a high level of chelating minerals and the enzyme bromelain which acts as it does in chelation therapy. It cleans up the blocked passages in the blood vessels, causing a more regulated blood flow in the body.


2. Garlic

Garlics main effect as an effective erectile dysfunction supplement is its power to stimulate and invigorate hormonal and gastric secretions. When this happens, the whole body gets revitalized, especially in the process of blood circulation.

3. Fibrous foods

Fried and fatty foods are to be avoided because they cause the arteries to get blocked. A diet rich in fiber are good erectile dysfunction supplements because it helps clean up the body from toxin buildup. Toxins blocking the blood vessels can cause erectile dysfunction. Eat as much fibers as you can, to allow healthy flow of blood throughout the body.

To get the best of a healthy lifestyle, one must also include vitamin supplements in their daily intake. But one must be careful with his/her nutrient intake, especially if suffering from erectile dysfunction because without proper knowledge, it just might cause more harm than good.

If you are suffering from ED and are cautious of the things you take in, here are some safe nutrients recommended for you to take as erectile dysfunction supplements:

1. Zinc

Zinc is a mineral essential for the production of testosterone. Adolescent boys are encouraged to take as much zinc as they can get because it helps in their sexual growth and development. Similarly, older men should not neglect their intake of zinc as it helps in the production of their sperm count.

Known as an aphrodisiac, scientists have reported that even the slightest deficiency in zinc can affect sexual performance. Apparently, zinc can be attributed to helping a person increase sexual desire.

2. B-complex Vitamins

A persons sexual urge comes as a response from the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. A deficiency in this area can cause disorders and dysfunctions in ones sexual activity. Effects range from lack of sexual desire, decreased amounts of hormones, low stamina, and erectile dysfunction.

Taking B-complex vitamins will help improve sexual vigor.

Pantothenic acid (B5)

Pyridoxine (B6)


3. Calcium and Magnesium

Calcium is also an important nutrient in sexual functioning. It keeps the link between the brain, hormonal glands, and their mechanical processes active. But taking calcium solely as an erectile dysfunction supplement is unadvisable because without the benefits of magnesium, it will only deposit in the soft tissues and cause blockages. Magnesium acts as a calcium channel blocker and counteracts the negative effects of calcium in sustaining an erection.

About the Author: Ready to have much better, longer, and bigger erections? Cialis and Viagra are RANKED below us. Learn how to have the best sex of your life today for free at


using the best

Erectile Dysfunction Supplement




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The Importance Of Bioavailable Curcumin In Supplements

byAlma Abell

The recent global interest on the use of curcumin or turmeric in the treatment of a range of different health conditions has created a worldwide demand for curcumin supplements. There are many turmeric supplements sold in the market, but unfortunately its effectiveness is limited by its poor absorption into the bloodstream through the digestive tract as they are not ‘bioavailable’ to the body. Hence one should look out for the most bioavailable curcumin supplements. So though the benefits of curcumin are widely known, the oral consumption of turmeric may not be as effective in every case, since curcumin supplements are not always in a form that the body can absorb. It is also very rapidly eliminated by the body, resulting in limited impact at a cellular level. Standardized bioavailable curcumin supplements deliver a superior absorbing curcumin formulation that is many times more bio-available than conventional curcumin extracts or supplements. Bioavailable curcumin supplements have the potencies to maximize curcumin’s efficacy. So, bioavailability is a huge factor in the oral consumption of curcumin.


The problem with consuming plain curcumin

Curcumin the most active compound of turmeric is the powerful botanicals in the world today. It is slowly gaining popularity worldwide due to the number of researches being conducted on them. Though Asians and South East Asians use it very generously in their cooking and in their day to day life, its low absorbtion property stops it from being utilized to its maximum potential. The tiny amount of curcumin that can be absorbed by the body from turmeric spice is also rapidly used by the body in normal metabolism and cellular functioning.

The advantage of bioavailable curcumin

Science now allows researchers to identify the components that make curcumin highly absorbable. The bioavailable curcumin supplements are known to be highly effective when compared to plain curcumin capsules and they also stay in the blood far longer than plain curcumin which means they fight inflammation longer and more efficiently. These bioavailable curcumin supplements are completely natural and can be consumed every day. These bioavailable curcumin supplements are also availavle online. These supplements have several research and studies to show its effectiveness in various ailments that have a basis in serious inflammation such as arthritis, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

We offer a high quality bioavailable curcumin that is readily available for use in the human body. To read more please visit us online at www.curegarden.in.

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The Best Multivitamin For Men At Different Ages

By Cynthia Wang

Aging and the exposure of men to stress and high level of physical activities require that multivitamins supplements are used to make up for these demands because it is impossible to acquire all that is needed for bone and muscle growth as well as a healthy and satisfactory sexual life.

For Men Below 40 & Physically Active Male

B vitamins and vitamin C help to fight the increased stress levels associated with an active lifestyle in men. Multivitamins intake should therefore target stress reduction and so apart from vitamins B and C, should contain L-Glutathione, Calcium, and Magnesium known to support adrenal function concerned with stress and fatigue reduction.

The level of physical activities in men demand high oxygen intake and for the body to attain the level of oxygen uptake to meet the demand- malic acid, coenzyme Q10 and ginkgo biloba must be part of any multivitamins formulation for men, which improves energy production and enhances performance, stamina and endurance. Ginkgo Biloba is known to enhance oxygen circulation in the brain through increased blood flow to the organ.

Electrolyte Replacement – potassium, calcium, magnesium and sea salt take part in replacing and balancing the minerals and electrolytes lost through strenuous activity. Example, a lot of salt is lost from sweat alone.


Exercise causes a lot of muscle strains and exhaustion; for proper recovery following exercises, N-acetylcysteine, phosphatidylserine and L-glutamine should constitute multivitamins for physically active men.

For Men Over 40 Years

As men advance in age, they become increasingly exposed to risk of heart diseases owed mainly to their kind of life style. To prevent flabby muscles and other cardiovascular diseases vitamin B6, B12 & folic acid help to maintain heart muscles integrity and reduce blood levels of homocysteine, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problem as a result of blood clot.

“Potent antioxidants like Vitamin E may help reduce the risk of certain eye diseases, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s disease,” says Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition at Tufts University.

About 400 international units (IU) a day, is require since very little is taken in meals. (A typical multivitamin formulation contains just about 45 IU.) Vitamin C is another very potent multivitamins and is very essential for older men.

L-Glutathione, vitamin A, C and beta carotene, contribute to the support and maintenance of healthy eyesight, including inhibiting the formation of cataracts, a disease of the eye that involves the crystallization of lens of the eye causing opacity in a part or entire body of the lens.

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol control maybe achieved by multivitamins formula containing coenzyme Q10, niacin, choline, inositol, and bioflavonoid.

For Men Over 60 Years

From the age of 60 years, men become prone to prostrate diseases like Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostrate Cancer. Men with the highest boron intakes are 65 percent less likely to develop these conditions than men with lower levels, studies have shown. American men have one of the lowest boron intakes in the world. So it is logical therefore that prostrate pathology may be prevented if Boron intake is increased in Multivitamins. About 3 milligrams (mg) of Boron Citrate a day is capable of serving the purpose. USDA researchers found that at this dosage, memory and concentration are improved.

The recommended calcium intake per day is about 1000mg of Ca per day. We also know that most men don’t get the recommended amount as a cup of milk contains just about 300mg. We hardly hear of men who drink 3 to 4 cups of milk everyday. The target for calcium intake can be achieved if multivitamins contain 500 mg calcium citrate. This taken twice daily can ensure that the average calcium requirement is met — one in the morning, one at night, to maximize absorption. These together with a cup of milk a day, maybe all that is needed for strong bones and teeth in men.

Chromium is a muscle-building supplement but also useful in overweight men and those with a high chance of becoming diabetic. These are people with a first degree relatives (mother, father, brother or sister) who is diabetic or second degree relatives (uncle, ante etc.) that are diabetic.

The product we personally use is called Total Balance by Xtend Life, it contains all of the nutrients that we have mentioned and much more.

About the Author: Cynthia Wang-Tan are the editors of


, discover why you should only consume the best multivitamin supplement and what to look out for when choosing one for your family.



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Remedies To Ease Out Burning Mouth Syndrome Treatment}

Remedies to Ease Out Burning Mouth Syndrome Treatment


sneha divaBurning Mouth Syndrome or Glossodynia is the sensation of a hot feeling in your mouth, lips, tongue, upper palate and other areas of your mouth. The nerves around your mouth constantly send messages to your brain about different things like temperature, taste, touch and pain. When the brain cannot understand the messages that are sent, it reacts differently. This reaction causes the burning mouth syndrome.

The burning mouth syndrome can arise due to a variety of factors. Some of these include hormonal changes, depression, an imperfect immune system, damages to the nerves around the mouth, acid reflux, diabetes and improper nutrition. However, BMS causes cannot be stated properly as they arise from a variety of factors.

There is good news, there are natural ways as well as clinical ways to treat BMS. Burning Mouth Syndrome treatments


are depending on the causes. For example, a BMS arising from nutritional deficiency can be treated by adding nutrition to food. Similarly, BMS arising from depression can be solved by prescribing mild anti depressants to the patient from a doctor or a burning mouth syndrome pain clinic. Other treatments are as follows:

Primary BMS can be solved by a lozenge type drug commonly known as Klonopin. The feedback for this medicine have been great and people report relief from BMS after using Klonopin.

Secondary BMS can be treated by treating the underlying cause first. There are certain remedies to ease out burning mouth syndrome as well.

1. Changing your toothpaste: Although changing your toothpaste may not sound as much, it is necessary to eliminate all the possible reasons you are getting secondary BMS

. Check whether your toothpaste has sodium sulphate in it. It is always better to use a fluoride toothpaste. You can also use toothpastes that have activated charcoal particles in them.

2. Lavender Oil Mouth Wash: Lavender oil is considered one of the best medicinal oils available in the market today. It is a great treatment for BMS and even reduces inflammations inside the mouth. Buy lavender oil in its essential and concentrated form, take 1 teaspoon of the oil and take a carrier substance, preferably sugar water or plain water, and wash the insides of your mouth twice a day.

3. Honey: Not only is honey great for weight loss, its is good for treating BMS as well. Take a spoonful of honey. Using your fingers, apply honey all over the insides of your mouth, on the tongue, on the inside walls of the mouth, on the upper palate and also on the lips. Keep your mouth coated with honey for 60 seconds and then swallow it.

4. Alpha-Liopic Acid: Alpha-Liopic Acid is considered as a great medicine for burning mouth syndrome. People suffering from BMS should take 500-600 mg of APA everyday.

5. Nutrients: Since Secondary BMS also develops from a deficiency of Vitamins, it is recommended that a daily dose of all the essential nutrients be taken, in the form of a food pill or actual food. Change your diet to include more nutrients in it. Having meat, brown rice, lentils, curd, fruits and green vegetables is necessary for a full plate of nutrition.

View More About Burning Mouth Syndrome treatments: http://goo.gl/OHBtdT

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