Five Years in Review: The Minneapolis Real Estate Market
Kevin CurtisPoised on top of the real estate mountain in 2003, it’s hard to imagine so much change in the Minneapolis real estate market in the last five years. While the bubble has certainly burst and it’s no longer a seller’s market, key elements like long-term value of Minneapolis real estate as an investment and the quality of life available to residents has not changed. Even after five years of change, the world of Minneapolis real estate is still a great place to buy a home for you and your family.2003 was a banner year for the housing market across the United States. In Minnesota, 39,440 people were gainfully employed in the real estate and rental industries with a combined annual payroll exceeding $1,237,000,000. Clearly, real estate was lucrative for sales professionals involved in the booming market. Sellers benefited from bidding wars over their homes. Houses could not be built fast enough to meet the exceptional demand for homes in the market.Over the next two years, the strength of the economy and the housing market caused lenders to start granting adjustable rate mortgages and larger mortgages than people could actually afford. Lending practices got very loose as bankers were caught up in the housing market frenzy. Add the risky business of real estate speculation to the equation and it soon became clear that some of the growth in the housing market was built on shaky ground.Builders and lenders wanted to continue the exponential growth of years past, and by 2006, it was clear that far too many new homes were sitting on the market unsold. New home building slowed to a stop by 2007, and because builders could not get new homes sold, the value of homes across the country started to drop. Analysts called it price adjustment for the over inflated selling prices of years past, but homeowners simply saw it as less value in their investments.Once the dust settled in 2008, however, homeowners realized that although their homes had lost a bit of value, their homes were still solid investments. Compared with the performance of stocks and 401Ks, home equity was a solid place to put hard earned money for those willing to keep homes until the economy began to pick up speed.While the past five years in Minneapolis real estate have been filled with drama, one thing a smart investor realizes: current prices in the housing market make this the ideal time to buy. Houses and condos that were once out of reach financially are now less expensive and ready to be purchased. In addition, the influx of one-time homeowners that now want to rent homes instead of paying over-inflated and financially dangerous mortgages makes this the ideal time to venture into rental property ownership. Rentals are a great way to invest and make money in the current economy.The future is anyone’s guess, but one thing is certain: Minneapolis real estate is one of the best ways to invest in your future. Over the long haul, it’s sure to pay off; thanks to the strength and bright future of the city’s schools, commerce and the entrepreneurial spirit of its residents.
Kevin Curtis is a licensed agent with RE/MAX Advantage Plus. He is The Minnesota Real Estate Team’s 2007 Agent of the Year. Kevin and his team provide great service and ongoing insights into the Minnesota Real Estate market at