Gastric Band Surgery
ajay negi
If you want to lose weight and have tried various diets and exercise patterns without success, then the best and most popular solution to your problem is known as Gastric Banding Surgery. In this surgical method the surgeon use various types of techniques to reduce the size of your stomach. Gastric Banding is becoming the most common surgical method for treating obesity in the world. The surgery is one of the advancement of science that addresses the weight problems of people in the world. The surgery has some results of 50 to 60% decrease in weight with patients who had undergone the surgery.
Gastric Band Surgery is a comparably simple yet very effective method of reducing weight. If you have extreme obesity, meaning you have a body mass index of greater than 40, then you qualify for this kind of procedure. You may also have to take this type of surgery when your BMI is 35 to 40 and have co-morbid disease like diabetes or hypertension. Unlike other type s bariatric surgery, gastric band surgery is performed laparoscopically. This means that your surgeon will only make small incisions to perform the surgery, as opposed to opening up your entire abdomen, which would require a number of stitches and staples afterward. After you are put on general anesthesia, five or six small incisions about 1-2 cm long each will be made on certain parts on your abdomen. These small ports will be the points of entry for the long, rod-shaped laparoscopic instruments, which the surgeon will be using for the operation.
Benefits of Gastric Band Surgery
It is a non risky and fast recovery procedure Gastric surgery has lower risks, as the stomach is only banded to reduce its size and it can be removed anytime.
There is no need for supplement nutrient- Patient doesn t require to have nutritional supplements after the procedure. You can still continue a balanced nutrition by the quality of food you eat even if it is in small amounts.
Improve health and positive outlook- It can help you manage your weight and health related risks because obesity is minimized with the help of this surgery and the most significant advantages are the enhancement of self – esteem and self worth
Taking back the procedure- Being reversible is one of the benefits that people can gain in banding surgery. It means that you can have the gastric band removed from your body if you can already manage without it or if you don\’t want it anymore.
Gastric Band Surgery is a guaranteed weight loss surgery. Within 2 years after the surgery, patient will lose about 50 -60 % of his / her weight wherein most of decrease occurs in the first year after surgery.
You can find out more about
Weight Loss Clinic
Gastric Banding Glasgow
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