Medical Management Software Can Reduce Mistakes}

Medical Management Software Can Reduce Mistakes



There has always been a vulnerability in safety at medical facilities that leaves patients at risk and staff prone to legal suits. This weakness is the unreliable paper record keeping system that the medical world has relied on for years. Medical information can easily be lost or misplaced when work areas are inundated with stacks of messy paperwork, and precious time is lost trying to fax or mail important patient information. Medical management software offers a standardized, easily accessible solution to prevent medical mix-ups by making patient information more available and secure.

In the U.S., an estimated 100,000 deaths occur every year due to medical errors. This past March on the Oprah Winfrey show, actor Dennis Quaid shared a horrific experience in which his infant twins were accidentally given a dose of a blood-thinning drug that was 1000 times stronger than the dose prescribed. This appalling mistake was caused by a simple mix-up in hard-copy paper work. Quaid said that computerized record-keeping could have easily prevented the nearly-fatal medical error. He now advocates the use of medical management software systems. Its going to save lives, Quaid said, A lot of lives.

Medical management software was created by physicians to improve care, reduce errors and simplify record keeping. Preoccupation with paper medical records leads to the neglect of the humanitarian side of medical practice. Facilities often become so engulfed in paperwork that they forget to focus on their patients. Medical management software reduces the time spent on paperwork and leaves more time for quality physician and patient interaction. With electronic medical records (EMRs), patients can be automatically billed and coded properly, and the probability of mistakes is reduced.

Beyond increasing safety, medical management software can also save money. By converting a paper-based medical office to a fully integrated EMR system, offices can save in maintenance and storage costs. The creation, tracking, storage and maintenance of paper records cost an average of $8 per record, per year versus EMRs that can be maintained for $1.00 to $2.00 per year. EMRs also reduce the expense of real estate space needed solely for paper record storage. The space saved by EMRs will open up space for other needs, allowing for more efficient use of medical facilities. By integrating medical management software into your practice, you can save time, money and lives.

An industry leading and reliable provider of medical management software is e-MDs. Their medical management software is the standard for affordable and integrated EMR and practice management solutions. The system is completely customizable, and the interface is designed to be simple and intuitive. e-MDs medical management software supports all document formats and allows users to capture anything related to patient information. Lab results, images, referral letters, other vital correspondence and video with sound can all be kept and viewed through the software system. Facilities can even host and view files from third party vendor applications and devices. Save your practice time, money, and reduce mistakes by incorporating a medical management software in your office. Visit e-MDs online at or call toll free at (888) 344-9836 to improve your medical records system today.

Brigette Botkin.

Medical Management Software – e-MDs is robust medical management software

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