NASA sets launch date for Space Shuttle Discovery

Saturday, March 7, 2009

After almost two months of delay, NASA has set March 11 as the launch date for Space Shuttle Discovery. On February 22, NASA had stated that they indefinitely delayed the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery, which was originally scheduled for takeoff on February 12. Launch was then further delayed until February 25 before being delayed indefinitely on February 22. NASA cited the need for additional time to evaluate the shuttle’s hydrogen fuel flow control valves.

Liftoff is set for nighttime on Wednesday, March 11, at approximately 9:20 p.m. (EST) from Launch Complex 39A in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The official countdown to launch will commence Sunday, March 8.

“The team came through, worked hard and was efficient. It’s time now to step back and think of everything else we need to watch before launch on the 11th. There’s no better team than this one and I thank them for putting the right analysis together,” said Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for Space Operations at NASA.

NASA wanted to perform additional tests on the valves which control the amount of hydrogen fuel pumped into the external tank when the shuttle is taking off before making a decision to launch. When Space Shuttle Endeavour went into space in November 2008, one of the valves broke. NASA fears that if one breaks off on this mission, then it could damage the outside of the shuttle.

The current scheduled mission, STS-119, is set to fly the Integrated Truss Structure segment (“S” for starboard, the right side of the station, and “6” for its place at the very end of the starboard truss) and install the final set of power-generating solar arrays to the International Space Station. The arrays consist of two 115-foot-long arrays, for a total wing span of 240 feet, including the equipment that connects the two halves and allows them to twist as they track the sun. Altogether, the four sets of arrays can generate 84 to 120 kilowatts of electricity – enough to provide power for more than 40 average homes.

Commander Lee Archambault will lead Discovery’s crew of seven, along with Pilot Tony Antonelli, and Mission Specialists Joseph Acaba, John Phillips, Steve Swanson, Richard Arnold, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata.

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What Services Does A Plumber Provide?

byAlma Abell

Residential and commercial plumbers provide installation and repair services for water, waste and other systems. An important plumbing service in Nassau County is emergency call-outs to find and repair leaks as well as unclogging drains and fixtures. Although many services are not done on an emergency basis, plumbers also install garbage disposals, maintain and repair water heaters and provide full service during a bathroom or kitchen renovation that includes new plumbing or the relocation of existing services. Many plumbers also clean tree roots from the sanitary drain leading to the main sewer as well as provide inspection services for existing systems.

There are times when all of a sudden the water consumption jumps considerably, this usually means that there is a leak somewhere in the pressure water piping. At times the homeowner may be able to locate the leak but at other times the plumber may have to spend several hours cutting into walls looking for the source of the problem.

It is easy for a drain to get clogged when you consider the amount of food particles, hair and other residue that goes down a typical drain. A major plumbing service in Nassau County is clearing clogged drains using snakes, a rooter or even hydro jetting.

A common tool in a plumber’s arsenal is a rooter machine. These machines consist of a long, flexible cable with blades attached which spin and clear the clog. Plumbers also use a snake which does a similar job however; there are snakes that carry a small camera with them into the drain to locate the source of the problem. Hydro jetting utilizes water under high pressure and is also used to clear clogs in drains and septic systems.

A major problem that many homeowners encounter is tree roots that grow into the sewer pipe. The roots can eventually block the drain completely and cause major problems. A plumber uses the camera to identify the problem area and then remove them using the rooter.

Plumbers are often called to a home which is being purchased or sold to conduct a survey of the plumbing system. The inspection covers a visual inspection of the pipes, checking to see that all faucets are operating properly and test the drains for flow.

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Danish clothing company sells T-shirts to support FARC and PFLP

Friday, January 20, 2006

A recently created Danish clothing company is selling on the internet T-shirts in order to support the clandestine radio station of the Colombian guerrilla group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the graphical workshop of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). In fact the money will be used by these groups to carry on their terrorist activities. FARC activities include kidnappings, masacres, bombs, extortions and the drug trade.

Fighters and Lovers is selling the T-shirts at 170 DKK (US$27.6), from which 35 DKK (US$5.7) are to be destinated to support both armed groups.

Anna Duever, Fighters and Lovers PR chief, said to Spanish news agency EFE that their objective is to “defend freedom and social justice, which is FARC and PFLP are fighting for”. Duever believes the fact the FARC has been included by the EU in its terrorist group list is a “political game”. “We pay our taxes in Denmark, and that money is used for financing the troops our government has sent to Iraq. That’s terrorism. Besides, in Colombia there’s a regime oppressing population and torturing and killing its people”, she said.

Colombian Foreign Affairs Minister, Carolina Barco, said to local media that “financing terrorist groups is unacceptable and goes against all the international norms. Yesterday [Tuesday 19] our ambassador contacted the Danish government, we sent a protest note and have demanded an explanation.”

A year ago, a Danish NGO named Oprør (“Rebelion”) stated it had donated money to the Colombian guerrilla. A new antiterrorism law in Denmark may punish it.

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US Congress passes $787 billion stimulus package

Monday, February 16, 2009

The United States Congress passed a US$787 billion stimulus package late Friday night, in an effort to curb the recession and boost the faltering US economy.

The bill was passed by a vote of 60&ndashp;38, barely reaching the minimum number of 60 votes needed to make the bill a law. Only three Republican senators voted for the measure. Shortly before the Senate vote, the US House of Representatives approved of the stimulus by a margin of 246–183, with all 176 Republicans and seven Democrats voting against the bill.

The Senate vote was delayed until night so that Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown could fly back from Ohio, where his mother had recently died. He cast the final and decisive sixtieth vote in favor of the stimulus bill.

President Barack Obama is expected to sign the bill into law in Denver, Colorado on Tuesday, February 17.

“This is a major milestone on our road to recovery, and I want to thank the members of Congress who came together in common purpose to make it happen,” Obama said in his weekly address. “I will sign this legislation into law shortly, and we’ll begin making the immediate investments necessary to put people back to work doing the work America needs done. This historic step won’t be the end of what we do to turn our economy around, but the beginning.”

This is a major milestone on our road to recovery

64% of the stimulus package is intended for spending and money for social programmes, while another 34% is devoted to tax cuts. The plan also limits cash bonuses and incentive compensations for Wall Street executives. Over $48 billion of the stimulus has been reserved for transportation projects, such as high-speed rail, road, and bridge construction. Tens of billions more will be used for funding states to prevent any cuts that they would otherwise be forced to make to aid local governments and schools.

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Democrats say that the plan will help create three and a half million jobs, and that the plan’s tax cuts will help 95% of all US residents, mainly with the use of $800 breaks for couples and $400 for individuals. Those who do not earn enough money to pay income taxes will also be eligible for the breaks. Additionally, breaks will be given to first-time homebuyers and car buyers, in an effort to give a boost to two industries badly affected by the recession.

Senate Majority leader Harry Reid said that the stimulus package was the most important legislation that he had ever worked on. “The country is in trouble and we’re so fortunate we were able to get it passed. It’s going to give this country a shot in the arm.”

The bill that was about jobs, jobs, jobs has turned into a bill that’s about spending, spending, spending

Others, however, such as Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell, are highly critical of the plan. “This isn’t Monopoly money. It’s real. It adds up, and it has to be paid back, by our children and by their children,” he said, adding that it “is unlikely to have much stimulative effect.”

“The bill that was about jobs, jobs, jobs has turned into a bill that’s about spending, spending, spending,” said House Republican leader John Boehner from Ohio, throwing a copy of the bill on the floor in protest.

Last week, the House of Representatives passed a stimulus package worth $825 billion with no support from Republicans. Shortly thereafter, the Senate passed a slightly different version of the bill worth $838 billion. The differences between the two bills had to be bridged in a Senate-House committee before it was voted upon in both houses.

 This story has updates See Obama signs $787 billion stimulus package, February 17, 2009 

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Understanding The Advantages Of Water Craft Insurance

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byAlma Abell

Owning a pleasure boat, a pontoon boat, or jet skis is a lot of fun, but they do come with some responsibilities. The best move that the owner can make is to secure water craft insurance and keep it paid up to date. Here are some of the Advantages Of Water craft Insurance that illustrate why this kind of coverage is so important.

Medical Benefits

Injuries can take place on the water as well as on land. One of the chief Advantages Of Water craft Insurance is that it includes provisions for medical care if the need arises. This means that if someone is injured while riding in the boat, the insurance will cover the expenses associated with securing the necessary medical treatment.

Lost or Stolen Items

If the boat, jet ski or even personal belongings in the boat are stolen or lost, the terms of the insurance policy will cover the cost of replacement. This is something that will come in very handy if a boat capsizes due to a storm coming up quickly. Even if the boat is salvageable, any equipment or personal effects lost as the result of the event can be replaced.

Protection from Uninsured Parties

The insurance also protects the owner from any situations arising from a boating accident involving an uninsured party. Assuming the other party was responsible for the accident and does not have some form of water craft coverage, the plan will pay for the repairs and replacement of the covered party’s craft. The result is that it is easier to move past the event and get back to enjoying time at the lake.

Towing Services

Being stranded in the middle of the lake is not fun. Getting the bill for towing services to get back to shore will not be something the owner enjoys either. Fortunately, many types of water craft coverage include provisions for towing and emergency support. That will help take the sting out of the situation and keep the out of pocket expenses to a minimum.

For anyone who owns any type of water craft, today is the day to invest in coverage. Contact an agent and check out the benefits found in different plans. Doing so will make it easier to relax and enjoy that next trip to the lake or the beach.

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Queen’s Speech sets out Coalition government’s final year agenda

Friday, June 6, 2014File:Queen Elizabeth II delivering 2013 Queen’s Speech.jpg

Queen Elizabeth II formally reopened Parliament on Wednesday and announced the legislative agenda of the UK government for the final year of the Coalition’s five year term. New measures introduced covered crime, the economy, energy and house building.


  • 1 Business and economy
  • 2 Crime and law
  • 3 Fracking
  • 4 Reaction
  • 5 Sources

The next year of legislative changes would, the speech claimed, “deliver on [the government’s] long-term plan to build a stronger economy and a fairer society”. On economics, it promised the government would continue to lower taxes, produce an updated Charter for Budget Responsibility to “ensure that future governments spend taxpayers’ money responsibly”, and continue reduction of the deficit.

On employment law, the Queen’s Speech announced reduction in employment tribunal delays and plans to try and “improve the fairness of contracts for low paid workers” — a response to “zero-hours” contracts. The Institute of Directors support reforms to zero-hours contracts, specifically by removing “exclusivity” clauses. The speech also announced the introduction of a “collective pension” system similar to schemes in use in the Netherlands.

The government is also to increase penalties on companies that do not pay employees minimum wage, and reform National Insurance contributions by self-employed people. The government also plans to extend the ISA and Premium Bond savings schemes and abolish the 10% tax rate on savings. The speech also promised more house building, and also to introduce legislation to reduce the use of plastic bags.

The speech announced the government would seek to pass a new Serious Crime Bill “to tackle child neglect, disrupt serious organised crime and strengthen powers to seize the proceeds of crime”. Another bill will be introduced to deal with modern slavery and human trafficking and to support victims of these offences. The speech also said the government “will lead efforts to prevent sexual violence in conflict worldwide”.

The Serious Crime Bill would also include an increase in the sentence for those who bring about “cyberattacks which result in loss of life, serious illness or injury or serious damage to national security, or a significant risk thereof”. Under the Computer Misuse Act 1990, these are currently subject to a ten year prison sentence, but the punishment would now risk imprisonment for life. Punishment for cyberattacks that cause “a significant risk of severe economic or environmental damage or social disruption” would increase from the current ten year maximum tariff to fourteen years.

Jim Killock from the Open Rights Group said existing laws already allow effective prosecution of those engaging in cyberattacks.

The speech also announced legislation would be introduced “to provide that where a person acts heroically, responsibly or for the benefit of others, this will be taken into account by the courts”.

Constituents would be able to “recall” an MP who had been found guilty of misconduct under a proposed law that will be debated. The Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith described the current plans as “meaningless” and said voters had been “duped”. The Bill would force a by-election if 10% of voters signed a petition within eight weeks, but only if a Commons committee had decided the MP could be recalled. This latter requirement will make it “impossible to recall anyone” according to Goldsmith.

Business minister Michael Fallon defended the recall proposals: “we have to protect MPs from being recalled by people who just disagree with them[…] What you have to ensure is an MP can’t be hounded out just because people disagree with them back in their constituency.”

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said he agreed with Goldsmith the bill was not perfect, and he wanted “a radical California-style recall” system, but he had settled for a “modest” bill to satisfy “Conservative Party resistance”. Goldsmith claimed Clegg had been “the architect of the current Recall Bill”.

Tim Aker, head of policy for the UK Independence Party, said: “The decision to only offer recall voting on a signed-off-by-Parliament-basis reflects a political class that does not know, does not trust and certainly does not represent its people.”

The speech included measures to make it easier for businesses to engage in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) of shale gas. The Institute of Directors said laws “must be updated if the UK is to enjoy the benefits of our shale potential”, specifically by scrapping laws on trespass to allow the gas extraction to occur. The British Chamber of Commerce also support such a reform: “While fracking may be unpalatable to some, it is absolutely essential, and business will support legislative measures to exploit Britain’s shale gas deposits”. Activists from Greenpeace fenced off Prime Minister David Cameron’s home in Oxfordshire with a sign reading “We apologise for any inconvenience while we frack under your home”, and delivered a £50 cheque — identified as the maximum compensation suggested for property owners.

Simon Clydedale from Greenpeace UK said of the fracking proposals: “The prime minister is about to auction off over half of Britain to the frackers, including national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty like the Cotswolds. Fracking won’t deliver energy on a meaningful scale for years, if ever, by which time we’ll need to have moved away from dirty fossil fuels and towards high-tech clean power if we’re to head off dangerous climate change.”

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP, spoke in opposition to the fracking proposals after the Queen’s Speech: “Not only does this bill defy public opinion, it denies people a voice. To allow fracking companies to drill under people’s homes and land without their permission is to ignore public interest in pursuit of the vested interests of a few.” A poll conducted by YouGov found 74% of respondents opposed the plans.

Following the Queen’s Speech, politicians from all parties debated the direction of the government in the year ahead.

Prime Minister David Cameron said that the Queen’s Speech showcased “a packed programme of a busy and radical government”, whose “long-term economic plan is working but there is much, much more to do”, and it would “take the rest of this Parliament and the next to finish the task of turning our country around”.

Labour leader Ed Miliband said: “We would have a Queen’s Speech with legislation which would make work pay, reform our banks, freeze energy bills and build homes again in Britain. A Queen’s Speech which signals a new direction for Britain, not one which offers more of the same.”

Cameron described Miliband as having a “rag bag, pick-and-mix selection of statist Seventies ideas [… a] revival of Michael Foot’s policies paid for by Len McCluskey’s money” — a reference to controversies surrounding the substantial funding Labour gets from trade union Unite.

Liberal Democrat president Tim Farron said of the Queen’s Speech: “I suspect the pensions proposals will be around for a generation or more and will be remembered. It’s about making sure they are fairer, cheaper, more secure, more reliable and potentially better for people.”

Plaid Cymru MP Elfyn Llwyd said: “This was an uninspired Queen’s Speech delivered by a government that has well and truly run out of steam.”

Angus Robertson, the leader of the Scottish National Party in Westminster, said the Queen’s Speech barely mentioned Scotland: “The absence of any mention at all of the Westminster parties’ plans for Scotland in the Queen’s Speech is extraordinary. […] In this – the year of the biggest opportunity in Scotland’s history – Scotland hardly even gets a nod at Westminster, and not a single mention of future plans for improving government in Scotland.”

The speech made brief mention of Scotland: “My government will continue to implement new financial powers for the Scottish Parliament and make the case for Scotland to remain a part of the United Kingdom.”

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UK chancellor raises national insurance payments for self employed in new budget

Friday, March 10, 2017

UK chancellor Philip Hammond announced his 2017 budget on Wednesday, which included a £2 billion pledge to social care and a tax hike on the self-employed. It was accused of breaking Conservative Party manifesto promises.

It was announced there will be a 2% increase in national insurance contributions for the self-employed, with chancellor Philip Hammond citing worries that people were choosing to become self-employed in order to pay lower taxes and his perception of unfairness in the different rates paid by employees and self-employees. There were accusations this change in policy goes against the manifesto promises the Conservative Party ran on in 2015, which promised four times that there would be no increase in national insurance rates. Conservative MP Anna Soubry tweeted saying she believed these new measures would be unpopular as many would see them as unfair. The leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, claimed the new measures will not clamp down on people whose self-employment is just for tax benefits, instead causing problems for those legitimately self-employed, arguing that if they are to start paying similar tax rates to the employed then they should get rights such as statutory maternity pay. The think tank Resolution claimed, however, this increase is outweighed by other government policies and is, therefore, a good move.

In addition to this, the chancellor announced a £2 billion pledge to social care over the next three years, saying he was aware of the stress the ageing population is having on the NHS and social care. Liberal Democrat Norman Lamb described the amount as “wholly inadequate”, saying much more is needed to pay for an increase in care demands due to the ageing population. The lowest threshold at which shareholders pay dividend taxes is to be lowered from £5,000 to £2,000 claiming that the taxes for dividends provided “an extremely generous tax break for investors with substantial share portfolios”. Other budget announcements include an additional £325 million for the NHS, £90 million transport spending for the North of England, £20 million to support campaigning against violence against girls and women and a slight increase in funding for the devolved governments.

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The Onion: An interview with ‘America’s Finest News Source’

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Despite the hopes of many University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) students, The Onion was not named after their student center. “People always ask questions about where the name The Onion came from,” said President Sean Mills in an interview with David Shankbone, “and when I recently asked Tim Keck, who was one of the founders, he told me the name—I’ve never heard this story about ‘see you at the un-yun’—he said it was literally that his Uncle said he should call it The Onion when he saw him and Chris Johnson eating an onion sandwich. They had literally just cut up the onion and put it on bread.” According to Editorial Manager Chet Clem, their food budget was so low when they started the paper that they were down to white bread and onions.

Long before The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, Heck and Johnson envisioned a publication that would parody the news—and news reporting—when they were students at UW in 1988. Since its inception, The Onion has become a veritable news parody empire, with a print edition, a website that drew 5,000,000 unique visitors in the month of October, personal ads, a 24 hour news network, podcasts, and a recently launched world atlas called Our Dumb World. Al Gore and General Tommy Franks casually rattle off their favorite headlines (Gore’s was when The Onion reported he and Tipper were having the best sex of their lives after his 2000 Electoral College defeat). Many of their writers have gone on to wield great influence on Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert‘s news parody shows.

And we are sorry to break the news to all you amateur headline writers: your submissions do not even get read.

Below is David Shankbone’s interview with Chet Clem and Sean Mills about the news empire that has become The Onion.


  • 1 How The Onion writes an issue
  • 2 The headlines
  • 3 The features and the columnists
  • 4 The photojournalism
  • 5 What The Onion will not publish
  • 6 Reactions to Onion stories
  • 7 The Presidential Seal
  • 8 The Onion’s readership
  • 9 Future features
  • 10 Handling national tragedies
  • 11 The Onion movie and Onion News Network
  • 12 Relationship with other satirical news programs
  • 13 Unsolicited material
  • 14 Source
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Ayurvedic Cure For Enlarged Prostate

Ayurveda as we all know is the oldest system of medicine known to mankind, dating back to more than 5000 years. In ayurvedic system of medicine the focus is to eliminate the substances out of the body which are causing illness. As a result of which a person feels a complete sense of well being.

Curing Prostate Enlargement With Ayurveda

Prostate gland is a small gland located below the urinary bladder in males. It is responsible for the production of the seminal fluid which is discharged during the sexual stimulation.

An enlarged prostate can cause impotence and low sex drive, so it is essential to maintain optimal prostate health.

In Ayurveda prostate problems symptoms are classified in two terms

1. Mootrakruchra meaning difficulty in urination


2. Mootraghata which means suppression of urination.

If any of the above two symptoms are diagnosed in a male, he is probably suffering from an enlarged prostate.

Here Is A List Of Some Of The Herbs Which According To Ayurveda Are Useful in Curing An Enlarged Prostate:

1. Shatavri – Asparagus Racemosus

It is a rejuvenating herb which soothes the nerves and body and repairs the tissues in reproductive system.

2. Punarnava – Boerhavia Diffusa

This is a wonder herb which helps in easy passage of urine , reducing the size of enlarged prostate, optimizing liver health, and even assisting in weight loss.

3. Kanchanara – Bauhinia Variegata (Orchid Tree)

It helps in optimal prostate functioning by removing impurities from blood, fat and muscle.

4. Gokshura – Tribulus Terrestris

It is helpful in improving the quality level of sperm and also increases its count . It has been generally used in problems related to urination. Also helpful in increasing testosterone levels.

5. Guggulu – Commiphora Mukul

Guggulu has anti inflammatory properties, thereby is very much useful in curing an enlarged prostate.

These herbs have been found to be very effective in curing many health related problems but specialize in reducing the size of an enlarged prostate.

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Visit for all your alternative medicine needsAuthor: Ajeet Gautam

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