Truck Dealers}

Submitted by: Tom Strauss

There are have been a revolutions in the world of trucks over the past few years and all truck dealers now want to show their best trucks that they have in their inventory. Dealers say the demand has been increasing lately and people buy a lot of truck for business purposes. A lot of dealers started with nothing in their pocket and now they are raking in profits.

The manner in which the trucks are traded has also changed over the past few years. A lot of dealers now give you plenty of services and this shows what the versatility that they have to offer.

If you are looking for a place to buy used or second hand trucks; I would recommend you to take a look on the Internet. You get tons of car options with just a mouse click. The online truck dealers Websites give you plenty of resources for finding the best heavy trucks for your needs. Most of the trucks bought online are on rental or lease basis. Renting is always a better idea than buying it if you need the truck for a small period of time.


The biggest truck dealers are located in big cities like California, Michigan, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Delaware, Iowa, Kentucky, Illinois, Nevada, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, etc. There are plenty of Websites which offer free transaction and buying these automobiles online is really easy. I think there is some scope for growth in the truck sector.

There are thousands of truck deals taking place on the Internet throughout the planet and so the truck dealers need more people in order to help the business grow. So if you want to make a career in truck industry, the best time to start is right now!

When it comes to trucks, US market is bigger than the others especially because this country has more truck dealers than any other country on the globe. This makes buying and selling of these heavy automobiles really easy.

You can also get easy finance, too. Most of the truck dealers are already affiliated with big wigs like Dodge, Ford, Nissan, GMS and Honda. There are many more but I cannot put all the names of the manufacturers here. This is a great opportunity to make a lot of money instantly. There is a lot of scope for getting rich here if you work hard enough. The demand for these trucks is increasing really fast and now is the time to get most out of it.

However, if you are buying a used truck, you better be careful about the deal. Make sure you inspect the vehicle thoroughly before buying it. I always recommend my friends to take be vehicle out for a long drive so that they will get to know if automobile has any problems. Finally, you should bargain hard with the manufacturer. The dealer might slap an ambitious price tag on the truck but that doesn’t mean it is not negotiable. Bargain hard and you will save a lot of money.

About the Author: Tom Smith is a freelance writer and a travel buff with varied interests. He likes collecting information and writing articles for classic old automotive like used trucks, classic old cars, antique cars, 4×4 pickup trucks,travel guides and green autos.Visit


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Wikinews interviews painter Pricasso on his art and freedom of expression

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Wikinews interviewed Australian painter Pricasso on his unique artwork created using his penis, and how his art relates to freedom of expression and issues of censorship. He is to be featured at the upcoming adult entertainment event Sexpo Australia in Melbourne this November 5 to November 8.

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RSA: cautious welcome to Stern Review

Thursday, November 2, 2006

The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) gave what it called a “cautious welcome” to the Stern Review on the economics of climate change.

The leader of the RSA’s CarbonLimited Project, Matt Prescott, agreed that this needed global co-operation, but urged the British government to expand the notion of carbon trading downwards to the level of the individual when drafting the Climate Change Bill.

The RSA has produced the first mock-up of personal carbon trading online. There, members of the public can obtain an estimate of their own carbon ‘footprint’ by entering their gas and electricity consumptions, car and air mileages, on the RSA’s Carbon DAQ web site.

The RSA suggest that a personal target of 5 tonnes of carbon emission per annum should be achievable.

The RSA has a three-year project to investigate the feasibility of personal carbon trading. It has initiated research, conducted open public debates and is co-ordinating various trials.

Personal carbon trading entails allocating to each individual an equal share of the overall sustainable level of carbon emissions. There would be an open market that would enable those who had not used up their share to sell their surplus to those who need, or can afford, an entitlement to emit more than their ration.

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American athlete Marion Jones tests positive for EPO

Sunday, August 20, 2006

 Correction — January 23, 2006 Cyclist Floyd Landis failed a drugs test for the hormone testesterone, not adrenaline as reported in the article. 

Track Star Marion Jones, winner of 3 gold medals in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, has tested positive for the performance enhancing drug, EPO. The hormone helps create extra red blood cells which allows the user’s body to absorb extra oxygen.

Jones was expected to compete in yesterday’s Golden League meet in Zurich, Switzerland, but left early in the morning for “personal reasons.” It was announced earlier today (UTC) that she had tested positive for EPO. Jones faces a two year ban if her B test sample comes back positive.

Jones has a history of association with steroid users and dealers. In 1999, her then husband CJ Hunter tested positive for a similar drug, Nandralone. He had to withdraw from the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and received a two year ban.

Jones later divorced him, and in 2002 started a relationship with another track star, Tim Montgomery, who were both coached by Trevor Grahm.

Montgomery set a record in the 100 meter sprint of 9.78 seconds at a race in Paris that year. He was banned for two years and stripped of his record due to evidence in the Federal BALCO investigation. In the BALCO investigation, several witnesses stated that Marion Jones was taking banned substances received from BALCO.

Jones’ coach, Grahm, has been involved with 10 other athletes that tested positive and were ultimately banned for the use of illegal substances. Justin Gatlin, also coached by Grahm, also tested positive for artificial Testosterone, but has not been banned or stripped of his record.

Another American athlete, cyclist Floyd Landis tested positive for excessive levels of adrenaline after winning the Tour-de-France, which may lead to him being the first winner in the tournament’s history to be stripped of the title.

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Nintendo releases GameBoy Micro in the US

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

On the 20th birthday of Nintendo‘s mascots, Mario and his brother Luigi, Nintendo has released the newest addition to the popular Game Boy line.

The Game Boy Micro is the smallest handheld release by Nintendo to date. Unlike other handhelds in the Game Boy Advance series, the Game Boy Micro can only play Game Boy Advance games and not games designed for the original Game Boy system. The handheld features a new link port, includes multiple removable faceplates, and additional faceplates can be purchased separately. This system has an MSRP of USD$99.99.

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Soft drink foes cheer victory, lament remaining junk foods in schools

Monday, May 8, 2006

Last week’s announcement that most soda manufacturers will stop selling their sugary products in U.S. schools did not mention that avoiding lawsuits was part of the motivation for the self-imposed ban. Some of those who threatened legal action to stop the soda sales are patting themselves on the back over the agreement, while lamenting that the deal did not go far enough, and now plan to press for more restrictions.

“Though there is room for improvement — sugary “sports” drinks still will be sold in schools, for instance — this voluntary agreement is certainly good enough that CSPI will drop its planned lawsuit against Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Cadbury-Schweppes and their bottlers,” said Michael F. Jacobson, the executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest . “I hope this settlement contributes to the momentum that is building in Congress for legislation that would require USDA to update its standards for foods sold outside of school meals. That would enable USDA to eliminate the sale of candy, cookies, French fries, potato chips, and other snack foods, as well as sports drinks, that are standard fare in school vending machines and stores.”

In the wake of the announcement of the agreement by the three largest soft drink companies, their bottlers and the public health advocacy group, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Jacobson thanked his team of litigators for “negotiating effectively with the soft-drink industry over the past six months, and for demonstrating that the judicial system can play an important role in spurring public health advances.”

Richard Daynard, a law professor and president of the Public Health Advocacy Institute, which threatened the soft-drink industry with lawsuits, said in an institute press release, “The industry agreement with the Clinton Foundation and American Heart Association comes after sustained pressure from potential litigation and negotiations with public health groups and their lawyers. It is a credit to the role of litigation and the legal system as a component of effective public health strategy.”

“This agreement demonstrates the potential of public health litigation to help control the obesity epidemic,” he said.

In an email exchange with the James Logan Courier, Margo Wootan, director of Nutrition Policy for the Center for Science in the Public interest, said, “Last week’s announcement that soft drink companies will pull all sugary sodas from schools is great step toward improving school foods. This agreement is the culmination of the tremendous national momentum on improving school foods — from the local policies (in LA, NYC, Chicago, Philadelphia, DC, etc.), state bills (in 2005, 200 bills were introduced in 40 states to get soda and junk foods out of schools), the strong bipartisan bill pending in the U.S. Congress, and threats of litigation against soda companies.”

“While today’s agreement is a huge step forward, it is by no means the last step” wrote Wootan, ” We still have a lot of work to do to improve school foods.”

The agreement, announced Wednesday morning by the William J. Clinton Foundation, means that the nation’s biggest beverage distributors, and the American Beverage Association, will pull their soda products from vending machines and cafeterias in schools serving about 35 million students, according to the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a joint initiative between the Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association.

Under the agreement, high schools will still be able to purchase drinks such as diet and unsweetened teas, diet sodas, sports drinks, flavored water, seltzer and low-calorie sports drinks for resale to students.

The companies plan to stop soda sales at 75 percent of the nation’s public schools by the 2008-2009 school year, and at all schools in the following school year. The speed of the changes will depend in part on school districts’ willingness to change their contracts with the beverage distributors.

Some food activists criticized the deal for not going far enough and undermining efforts to go further.

Michele Simon, the director of the Center for Informed Food Choices, based in Oakland, Ca., called the deal “bogus” and a “PR stunt” by “Big Cola” in an effort to “sugar coat it’s image.”

“This announcement could potentially undermine ongoing grassroots efforts, state legislation, and other enforceable policies,” wrote Simon in an article at,” For example, in Massachusetts where a stronger bill is pending, a local advocate is worried about the adverse impact, since legislators could easily think that Clinton has taken care of the problem and ignore the bill. What was already an uphill battle—getting schools and legislatures to take this problem seriously—was just made worse, not better, by this bogus agreement.

“Even from a health standpoint, the deal is hardly impressive. Diet soda full of artificial sweeteners, sports drinks high in sugar, and other empty-calorie beverages with zero nutritional value are still allowed in high schools,” Simon wrote, “Also, parents concerned about soda advertising in schools will not be pleased with the agreement. Not a word is mentioned about the ubiquitous marketing children are subjected to daily in the form of branded score boards, school supplies, sports bags, and cups (just to name a few), which is required by exclusive Coke and Pepsi contracts. “

She’s not the only one criticizing the deal.“ While the initial details are promising, PHAI is concerned about some aspects of the agreement as it is being reported,” Daynard said in the press release. “The continual sale of “sports drinks” is a cause for concern. While they have a role for marathon runners and others engaged in sustained strenuous sports, for most students “sports drinks” are just another form of sugar water. Furthermore, the change in beverages offered must be carefully monitored and cannot depend entirely on the schools’ willingness and ability to alter existing contracts. Soda companies have spent decades pushing these unhealthy drinks on children and should bear the responsibility for their removal. PHAI is also concerned about the enforcement of this agreement and its silence on industry marketing activities in the school system,” he said.

“Importantly, the agreement doesn’t address the sale of chips, candy, snack cakes, ice cream, or any of the other high-fat, high-calorie, high-salt foods that are sold widely in schools,” said Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, “This is a voluntary agreement and is not enforceable, we need Senator Harkin’s school foods bill to lock in the beverage standards and give them the force of law.”

Even the diet drinks, which will still be offered, need to go, said Ross Getman, an attorney in Syracuse, NY. Getman has advocated that soda should not be sold in public schools and that long-term “pouring rights” agreements, which give a company exclusive access to sell their brands at a school, are illegal for a variety of reasons.

Getman, who contends that some diet sodas are contaminated with benzene, a cancer-causing chemical, said the soda “industry gets an “F” for incomplete” for “the industry’s failure to pull all soda from school and to recall products.”

Schools account for about $700 million in U.S. soft-drink sales, less than 1 percent total revenue for Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Cadbury, the nation’s largest soda companies.

Ten of the largest U.S. school districts have already removed soft drinks from vending machines, according to Getman. States including California, Maine and Connecticut have also banned sugary sodas in schools.

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Who Can Earn Through Online Affiliate Marketing?

Submitted by: Sean Goudelock

You too can earn through online affiliate marketing as long as you have the understanding of what the business is about and the guts to start it. Many people have failed getting into the business because they either lacked one or both. If you wish to give it a try, then there are some things you can do to make sure that it will succeed.

It starts with being able to know which niche suits you best. You are not supposed to sell everything to everyone. Doing this will only make you a sour loser in the end. You need to find a niche which will work best for you. Something you are genuinely interested about and have a good chance of being profitable.

Secondly, you should come up with products which you have personally tested and liked. It would be very hard to sell something you don t know or something you don t really believe in.


Thirdly, have a navigable website which even a non-techie person would appreciate. Complicated websites have a way of scaring customers off. They appear either intimidating or hard to understand.

Now, on to looking for partners who will help you earn through online affiliate marketing.

You should always look for partners in your chosen niche. They are great because they can help you build traffic. Although you may have to pay them a certain amount for their help, it s a relatively small amount compared to what they could do for you. They can help make your site land on top of the search engine results pages. They can generate you a good traffic too. As you know, good traffic is a must in any online business. As visitors are your potential clients, the more visitors you have, the better. They increase your earning potential. Having said that, you should always be on the lookout for new affiliates. You should not be content by having just a few good partners. The more dependable affiliates you have, the better.

You should also learn how to take care of your partners. Communicate with them well not only during the welcome stage but all throughout your partnership. Send them regular updates may they be about product changes or additions. You should also provide them with tips on how to become more successful in marketing your products. This would not only give them a good jumpstart in doing business with you but will also make them realize how caring you are of them. People who feel they are cared for naturally care in return.

You can really earn through online affiliate marketing if you know how to handle the business well. The great thing about it is you can do it without needing to spend a lot. You can also keep your day job and only attend to it during your free time at night. With some credible resources, you can be properly guided on how to start an affiliate marketing program now. If you have the knowledge and guts, you are certainly up for the most exciting challenge of your life – yet.

About the Author: So many people are looking for ways to make money, you can now make money online, go to



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Wikipedia plans to introduce new editing restrictions on articles

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The English version of Wikipedia, the self-described free, online encyclopedia that anyone can edit, has planned to install new restrictions on its editing system on articles regarding biographies of living people.

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Under the new plan, anyone can edit the affected articles, but the changes would have to be approved by a more experienced user before they could be registered. The move is part of an effort to prevent vandalism and unconstructive edits being made to high-profile pages and increase content quality. The system is called “flagged revisions”.

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said that there would be a “very, very low threshold to entry” for those who desired editorial rights. “We’re looking at anybody who has been around a very short period of time and hasn’t been blocked [banned],” he said.

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Zeus botnet trojan horse is back

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Trusteer, a web security company, reports that a trojan horse virus called Zeus can steal online banking details from infected computers. The virus has infected one out of every 3,000 computers of the 5,500,000 million which the company monitors in the United States and the United Kingdom.

The trojan can infect users of Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer on Microsoft Windows, and steals login information by recording keystrokes when the machine connects to certain websites, usually banks or other financial institutions. The stolen data is transmitted to a remote server and sold to cyber-criminals. “We expect this new version of Zeus to significantly increase fraud losses, since nearly 30% of Internet users bank online with Firefox and the infection is growing faster than we have ever seen before,” said Amit Klein, chief technology officer at Trusteer, to BBC.

The trojan has also affected Wikinews users, including Brian McNeil, who is the founder of Wikinewsie, a restricted-access wiki used to collaborate on sensitive news reports. McNeil reported on his userspace: “On Saturday [April] 17, a Windows-based PC in the house issued a cry for help, the Avira package running on the system had just detected a piece of malware; full scans indicated several known pieces of malware and numerous hidden files. Additional scans revealed that all but one of the USB memory sticks and portable hard drives in the house were infected with something. The Zeus botnet, as it turned out.” E-mail accounts for accredited reporters have also been affected.

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Google Android smartphone sales triple in the UK this year

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sales of smartphones running the Android operating system have tripled since the beginning of 2010, according to figures released yesterday. Market analysts GfK said that “around one in every eight handsets sold in the UK between April and June 2010 on a contract is Android-powered, compared to one in 33 on average between January and March.”

Last week, Samsung stepped up the marketing for its latest Android-powered device, the Galaxy S. Other Android-powered devices include the Sony Ericsson X10 and the HTC Desire.

Smartphones currently represent 73.5% of the market. GfK analyst Megan Baldock said to The Guardian: “The figures suggest an increasing number of consumers are now asking for Android handsets by name.”

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