How To Find The Right Cosmetic Dentist For Your Needs

byAlma Abell

Do you look in the mirror and wish that you had a better smile? Are you ready to take the plunge and get the smile of your dreams? If you are, then you must follow these steps to find the best cosmetic dentist in Chicago.

Ask For Referrals


No cosmetic procedure should be taken lightly, which is why you must ask people you know who have had cosmetic dentistry about their experience. If they tell you that their outcome was excellent, then you can take it a step further and ask them for referrals. You should also rely on reading online reviews for dentists in your area to find out which ones get the best reviews and ratings.

Check Credentials

Unfortunately, a lot of patients do not know this, but the reality is that any dentist can refer to themselves as a cosmetic dentist. You must make sure you do your research to find a dental practice whose primary service is cosmetic dentistry. You do not want to go to a dentist to have any specialized procedure that they are not accustomed to performing. Make sure you find a practice that has the most accredited and skilled doctors.

Ask to See Before and After Photos

Close your eyes and picture a well-known artist’s work. That was simple, right? This method should apply for a cosmetic dentist’s work as well. All reputable doctors should want to showcase their work as their masterpieces, just as an artist does. Viewing before and after photos should give you the best idea of what your smile should look like after your procedure.

Make the Most of Your Consultation

Besides the actual procedure, your consultation is the most critical part of your doctor’s visit. You want to make sure that you never try to speed up your initial meeting with your doctor. This consultation is your time to explain what you want out of your procedure as well as listen to what the doctor has to say. Communication is vital to achieving the best results.

If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Chicago, please go to Chicago Smile Design, at Like us on our facebook page.

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Wikipedia founder embroiled in affair and financial allegations

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

The implosion of a relationship between Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and journalist Rachel Marsden has resulted in controversy and international headlines. Associated Press and ABC News have also reported on questionable activity by Wales involving Wikimedia Foundation expenses. The Wikimedia Foundation is a donor-supported non-profit organization which runs Wikipedia.

Marsden had contacted Wales two years ago about concerns she had over the article about her on Wikipedia, and Wales determined the article was not compliant with Wikipedia’s standards. The tech blog Valleywag revealed Wales had a personal relationship with Marsden, and posted supposed transcripts of their instant message conversations on its site, Wales and Marsden met in February, and The Times reported that “An apparent transcript of their conversations before that meeting suggests that, although Mr Wales had withdrawn from the editing process, he was still influencing the editors.” The Times quoted Wales from the chat logs as having stated to Marsden “The truth is of course a much worse conflict of interest than that; but that will do.” — in reference to his conflict of interest regarding Marsden’s article on Wikipedia.

Wales posted a public statement on Saturday on Wikipedia addressing the matter, and stated that his relationship with Marsden was over: “First, while I find it hard to imagine that anyone really cares about my sex life, the facts are: I am separated from my wife. I considered myself single at the time of my one meeting with Rachel Marsden on Feb. 9, 2008 … I am no longer involved with Rachel Marsden. Gossipy stories suggesting that I have been in a relationship with her ‘since last fall’ are completely false … I care deeply about the integrity of Wikipedia, and take very seriously my responsibilities as a member of the board and as a member of the Wikipedia community. I would never knowingly do anything to compromise that trust.” With regard to the conflict of interest in Marsden’s article, Wales had acknowledged to a team of Wikipedia editors in February 2008 that he and Marsden “became friends … and that we would be meeting about that,” and stated “I recused myself from any further official action with respect to her biography.”

On Sunday, The Canadian Press reported that Marsden had posted photos of herself on Ebay, and was selling items that Wales had left at her New York City apartment. In her Ebay posting, Marsden stated: “Hi, my name is Rachel and my (now ex-) boyfriend, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, just broke up with me via an announcement on Wikipedia … It was such a classy move that I was inspired to do something equally classy myself, so I’m selling a couple of items of clothing he left behind, here in my NYC apartment, on eBay. Jimbo was supposed to come visit me in a couple of weeks and pick up some of his stuff, but obviously that won’t be happening now.” Marsden told The Canadian Press “It didn’t really help matters that Jimmy chose to announce the breakup to the entire world via Wikipedia (which apparently now is an online encyclopedia that doubles as a personal soapbox?) rather than to me directly (which he did much later, in an instant message discussion).”

I care deeply about the integrity of Wikipedia, and take very seriously my responsibilities as a member of the board and as a member of the Wikipedia community. I would never knowingly do anything to compromise that trust.

Marsden placed a t-shirt and sweater which she said were left at her apartment by Wales up on Ebay, and started the bidding for each at ninety-nine cents, with the auctions set to end on March 12. By Monday, bidding on the t-shirt had reached US$300, and by Tuesday the highest bid had reached $12,200. In an email to The Globe and Mail, Marsden stated “My only focus right now, to be really honest, is on my career and finding a way to get back into print, TV, or radio here in NYC,” she wrote. “All of this other personal stuff is just an unfortunate distraction.”

Jay Walsh, the Wikimedia Foundation’s head of communications, told the San Jose Mercury News that Wales’ actions in relaying Marsden’s concerns about her Wikipedia article to a team of trusted editors was within his “routine” role. When asked by the San Jose Mercury News if Wales’ actions regarding the Marsden article could compromise his role with the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikipedia, Walsh responded “No, absolutely not.”

On Tuesday, ABC News carried a story by Wired News reporter Megan McCarthy regarding allegations of “excessive spending” by Wales, and Associated Press also reported on questions involving Wikimedia Foundation expenses. McCarthy reported that former Wikimedia executive Danny Wool, who had left the foundation last year, criticized Wales’ use of Wikimedia Foundation expenses in a blog post. Wool stated that Wales had tried to expense $300 bottles of wine, a $1,300 dinner for four at a Florida steakhouse, and visits to Moscow massage parlors to the foundation, and that the foundation rescinded Wales’ corporate credit card in 2006. Wool also stated that Wales paid the foundation $7,000, after being short $30,000 on receipts for expenses.

Wool told EPICENTER that “There were occasions where he used [the Wikimedia Foundation] for personal advancement under the guide [sic] of the mission. And, as someone who was in there for the mission part of it, I found that rather distressful.” Wool commented in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle: “Originally, it was carelessness … But as things developed, it became more apparent and obvious that he was taking advantage of the foundation credit card. It was almost like his personal piggy bank.”

Jimmy has never used Wikimedia money to subsidize his personal expenditures. Indeed, he has consistently put the foundation’s interests ahead of his own.

In an instant message exchange with Associated Press, Wales denied that the Wikimedia Foundation had taken away his corporate credit card, and asserted that he had made the decision to stop expensing business travel for the foundation. Wales highlighted a statement by the foundation’s executive director Sue Gardner: “Jimmy has never used Wikimedia money to subsidize his personal expenditures. Indeed, he has consistently put the foundation’s interests ahead of his own.” In an email to Associated Press, Brad Patrick, a former attorney for the Wikimedia Foundation, stated “Danny seems interested in blogging his way straight to a lawsuit”.

Florence Devouard, who chairs the Wikimedia Foundation, told Associated Press that Wales had been “slow in submitting receipts,” and that the foundation had rejected Wales’ expense at the Florida steakhouse. Devouard told fellow foundation board members in a private email that she had convinced Associated Press that “the money story was a no story,” and told Wales “I find (it) tiring to see how you are constantly trying to rewrite the past. Get a grip!” Wales told Associated Press: “The board, the current executive director, the previous executive director, and independent auditors have reviewed our books and publicly agree that all of my expenses were appropriate and fully accounted for.”

Media reports speculated on how the controversy would end up being represented in Wikipedia itself. On Wednesday, the St. Petersburg Times wrote: “Wales’ Wikipedia page said only this about Marsden: ‘Wales had a brief relationship with Canadian journalist Rachel Marsden.'” An article in The Australian surmised: “History will decide whether Mr Wales broke his own principles, but before that happens there may well be a Wikipedia page devoted to the controversy.”

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Toyota fined $16 million by US government over recalls

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

US regulators intend to fine Toyota Motor Company $16.4 million over allegations that the company failed to notify government officials in “a timely way” about flaws in its vehicles that led to a major recall earlier this year.

The fine is the maximum penalty allowed under current US law, and would be the largest ever against an automaker, dwarfing a $1 million fine against General Motors in 2004. The U.S. Transportation Department is also considering the possibility of further fines if it was determined that the company had committed other violations of US law. The fine is the result of an investigation opened on February 16 into Toyota’s actions during the recall of 2.3 million vehicles in the US. Toyota now has a period of two weeks in which it can appeal the fine.

They knowingly hid a dangerous defect for months from U.S. officials and did not take action to protect millions of drivers and their families.

Current law requires an automaker to notify the US government within five days if it has determined that a safety issue exists in one of its vehicles. Internal Toyota documents obtained by the government showed that the company was aware of the issues in its cars as early as September 2009, well before it reported the problems to the US government in January.

US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said that the government has “proof that Toyota failed to live up to its legal obligations,” and that “they knowingly hid a dangerous defect for months from U.S. officials and did not take action to protect millions of drivers and their families.”

Toyota, in a statement posted on their website, said that “We have already taken a number of important steps to improve our communications with regulators and customers on safety-related matters as part of our strengthened overall commitment to quality assurance.” The statement added, “These include the appointment of a new Chief Quality Officer for North America and a greater role for the region in making safety-related decisions.”

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World Health Organization calls for ban on tobacco ads

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The United Nations health agency the World Health Organization (WHO) has called for a ban on tobacco advertising and promotion in order to protect the world’s children. The news release from the WHO came on Friday, one day before the annual World No Tobacco Day held each year on May 31.

This year’s World No Tobacco Day focuses on highlighting the practices of tobacco companies in their efforts to promote their products to young people. According to a WHO press release, studies show that young people are more likely to start smoking if exposed to tobacco advertising. The WHO notes that only five percent of the world population “is covered by comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship”.

“The WHO appeals to member states and policy-makers to require by law a comprehensive ban on all forms of advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of tobacco products,” said WHO Regional Director for Africa Luis Sambo, in a statement released Saturday in Kampala, Uganda.

A ban on all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship is a powerful tool we can use to protect the world’s youth.

“In order to survive, the tobacco industry needs to replace those who quit or die with new young consumers,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan. “A ban on all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship is a powerful tool we can use to protect the world’s youth.”

The WHO said that tobacco companies are specifically targeting the half billion youth in the Asia Pacific region by tying smoking to the idea of a flashy lifestyle. The agency said the tobacco industry attempts to take advantage of children’s susceptibility to advertising and marketing.

According to the WHO most people take up smoking before they reach age 18, and almost twenty-five percent of smokers worldwide are under the age of 10. The agency said that a survey of 13 to 15 year-olds found that fifty-five percent had seen cigarette ads on billboards in the prior month, and twenty-percent owned something with a cigarette company’s logo.

According to BBC News, in the last ten years female and adolescent smoking in Russia has tripled. Russia does not have many anti-smoking laws. BBC News compared this to Canada, where smoking levels are at their lowest in 40 years and the country has very restrictive laws on smoking advertising.

The tobacco industry employs predatory marketing strategies to get young people hooked to their addictive drug.

“The tobacco industry employs predatory marketing strategies to get young people hooked to their addictive drug. But comprehensive advertising bans do work, reducing tobacco consumption by up to 16% in countries that have already taken this legislative step,” said Dr. Douglas Bettcher, Director of WHO’s Tobacco Free Initiative.

A report by the WHO on tobacco use stated that approximately two thirds of the planet’s smokers reside in 10 countries including China, India, Indonesia, Russia, the United States, Japan, Bangladesh, Germany, and Turkey. Reuters reported that companies Philip Morris, Imperial Tobacco, British American Tobacco and Japan Tobacco are among the world’s largest producers of cigarettes.

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General Contractors: Denver Leads The Way For Leed Industrial Facilities

byAlma Abell

Industrial facilities are a vital aspect to our economy. However, these facilities operate on a much larger scale than other business as they run 24 hours per day, seven days a week. As a result, industrial facilities are responsible for 30 percent of the United States total energy consumption and four percent of the nation’s domestic water usage. With the cost of consumption so high, many are looking to lower their environmental impact to increase their bottom line. This has led to a large demand for LEED general contractors. Denver industrial facilities need more sustainable construction, design, architecture, and engineering across all manufacturing industries.


LEED General Contractors: Denver Promotes Sustainability

As of today, there are more than 1,755 LEED-certified industrial facilities throughout the world according to LEED in Motion’s Industrial Facility report. That number is expected to drastically increase as there are currently more than 2,700 registered industrial facilities. As more and more industrial warehouses, manufactures, and others in the industry turn to pursue an LEED certification, general contractors will be on the frontline to offer the engaging, practical strategies needed to become more resource efficient.

With an LEED certification holding the potential to triple the bottom line of businesses, the environment, and profits, industrial facilities throughout the nation will be prioritizing their mission to become more environmentally-friendly.

As LEED general contractors, Denver construction company, iiCONG Construction Group, helps businesses make good business decisions with sustainable building. Using the most advanced and effective LEED strategies, industrial facilities have the potential to save millions as green building pays for itself over time.

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Sony’s PlayStation Portable is launched in North America

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Sony launched its eagerly anticipated PlayStation Portable (PSP) in the North American market today. The PlayStation costs $250 and plays MP3 files, movies and of course games.

Launched previously in Japan last year with much fanfare, the PSP quickly achieved sales of more than 800,000 units. The device is Sony’s first major attempt at challenging Nintendo’s long held grip on the market for handheld games.

Nintendo currently holds a 90 percent of the market share for handhelds in North America. With the recent introduction of Nintendo DS, the fight for control of this market is expected to become even more intense.


  • 1 Japanese launch
  • 2 Games available for North American Launch
  • 3 Technical specifications
  • 4 Sources
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ABC to move Internet news network back to U.S. TVs

April 6, 2005

The U.S. television network ABC says its 24-hour news network, ABC News Now, will become a permanent 24-hour television news network starting in July. Currently, the operation is only available on the Internet as a streaming media web site.

The network started as a experiment by the Walt Disney Company-owned ABC in the summer of 2004 during the U.S. presidential campaign nomination conventions. It was mostly broadcast as a subchannel or shared channel within the bandwidth of an existing digital television (DTV) channel already owned by ABC. For instance if the local ABC affiliate is on Channel 7 with a DTV channel of 23, then ABC News Now may have been available on digital channel 23.1, sharing the same bandwidth.

Because few households in the U.S. are equipped to tune in digital over-the-air sub-channels, and virtually none are carried on local cable companies, ratings were low for the fledgling digital channel. Adding to that technical difficulty, cable carriage of the network was small. ABC News Now was delivered to only 6 of the 110 million U.S. households via cable. Most viewers of the network, 30 million at last count, watched the network via the Internet.

Citing money reasons, ABC shuttered the over-the-air ABC News Now broadcasts in January to focus on building the web-based service. But come July, ABC plans to return its news network and its 20 original programs to local TV stations. Without any commitment from national cable or satellite companies, ABC will return to digital sub-channels on local DTV transmissions.

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Wikipedia plans to introduce new editing restrictions on articles

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The English version of Wikipedia, the self-described free, online encyclopedia that anyone can edit, has planned to install new restrictions on its editing system on articles regarding biographies of living people.

Has Wikipedia done the right thing? What is your opinion on this new editorial process?
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Under the new plan, anyone can edit the affected articles, but the changes would have to be approved by a more experienced user before they could be registered. The move is part of an effort to prevent vandalism and unconstructive edits being made to high-profile pages and increase content quality. The system is called “flagged revisions”.

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said that there would be a “very, very low threshold to entry” for those who desired editorial rights. “We’re looking at anybody who has been around a very short period of time and hasn’t been blocked [banned],” he said.

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Unleashing The Power Of Your Souls Purpose

Unleashing the Power of Your Souls Purpose


Holistic BizLifeStylist

Dreams are your Souls Desire and Purpose manifesting in a vision form. It gives me goose bumps just thinking about your Souls enormous power waiting to manifest in your life. 2012 is a powerful Transformational year.


Will you step up in a powerful way and live inside those Dreams? Think about the dreams that reside deep within your heart, otherwise known as your Soul. They were planted in the your DNA, used to create your essence at the time of conception. They mean a great deal to you, because they are who you were designed to be. You can bring those Dreams and your Souls Purpose into your awareness any time you want, by simply feeling and calling them forth. What is yearning deep inside your Soul? Do you know how to intimately connect with your Lifes Purpose? What is a common thread of your life that keeps showing up? What do you most want to be doing at this very moment in time? Consider your Business, Life and Environment when answering these questions! Manifest Your Powerful Intentions Your big picture intentions can keep you going. They provide motivation and fuel for life. Many settle for less than the best life they can live, but you can decide today that youll accept no less than the fulfillment of your dreams-your souls desires. Stop for a moment and feel what your Soul is saying to you, what do you want to most express in your Business, Life and Environment? The key to Manifesting Your Powerful Dream is to get clear on what you really truly want, feel it so you can live it, keep putting one foot in front of the other, taking consistent daily action steps in the direction of your souls desires, your dreams. At the same time, continually visualize and feel what your life will look like when you have manifested your heart and souls desires. As you complete each step along the way, youll gain more power to complete the rest of your journey. Remember, everything on this journey unfolds with each decision you make. Each decision reveals the tools, resources and knowledge you need to continue on your journey. Think of decisions as access keys to the next part of your journey! No Decisions, No Access Keys! The answer to our Souls desires comes in the form of OPPORTUNITIES What opportunities are being presented or have been presented to you that you have not decided to take action on? Remember, opportunities present themselves through people. Opportunities deliver the tools, resources and knowledge for us to unleash the power of our Souls Purpose. I remember a while ago I wanted to create a completely different business model and revamp the way I grew my business. I wanted to grow my business with a deeper connection to my Souls purpose along with ease and grace. I asked GOD to help me with this project. He sent me a coach who has remained my coach until today! If I had not said YES (made a decision), reflected in my hiring the coach when she appeared, I would not have received the Access Keys for the next steps on my journey to a multi-6 Figure business that totally connects to my Souls Purpose! Always Remember Unleashing the Power of Your Souls Purpose allows you to live the way you were intended to live. It is an expression of who you are and why you are here on earth! The only thing stopping you from living the life you imagined is YOU! Your ability to decide, take action and implement like your life depends on it! I am sure you can see, now, how your life depends on you making decisions! Dreams have power, but you must continue to feed them. Do everything you can to realize your dream by making decisions, taking massive and consistent action. As you go, notice what is working and isnt. Adjust your course continually, and nothing can stop you from experiencing the realization of the dreams that you hold in your heart, because it is your Souls Purpose.

Therese Prentice is a Soul Styling Strategist. Awaken to what is possible for YOU! Infuse your Souls Style into the Tapestry of your Business, Life and Environment Your help is right at your fingertips. Therese Prentice is gifted in the area of helping Women Entrepreneurs and 5-6 Figure Income Corporate Women, embody their 6 Figure Attitude allowing them to gracefully move into their multi 6 Figure Lifestyle Business while having more fun, building nurturing relationships and experiencing the ultimate of lifestyle freedom. Dont wait one minute longer Schedule: Virtual Tea with Therese

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Telegram introduces blogging and instant view features

Friday, November 25, 2016

On Tuesday instant messaging application Telegram announced publishing service Telegraph. They also introduced “instant view” and “jump to date” features.

Telegraph offers a simple publishing service without an account. It supports embedding photos, tweets from Twitter, and videos from YouTube and Vimeo by dropping in a link. It allows users to create rich posts with markdown by filling the title, author name and the story. Telegraph is similar to other publishing websites like Medium and Quip.

Unlike Medium and Quip Telegraph does not require a login and thus anyone can use a false name to publish a story. The stories can only be edited from the same browser on the same device if the user accepts the cookie policy and does not clear the cache.

According to Telegram, instant view offers “an elegant way to view articles with zero pageload time”. Links to articles on sites including Medium and TechCrunch shows an instant view option which can be viewed directly within the application which was built to save time and data.

Telegram also introduced a jump to date option to search chats by dates. A calendar icon enables user to choose a date to search old messages. Other features in the new update, version 3.14, include improved camera speed, better video compression and photo viewer, and improved security for passcodes. A new interface for notifications and creating groups for the Android operating system is also included, with Telegram saying “Make Android Great Again!”. Telegram also introduced a feature to view an entire sticker pack by pressing a long hold on the recently sent sticker. Users can also view the list of groups the user shares with a particular contact.

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