Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green candidate Martin Hyde, Ottawa West-Nepean

Monday, September 24, 2007

Martin Hyde is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Ottawa West-Nepean riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Note that he did not answer the question “Of the decisions made by Ontario’s 38th Legislative Assembly, which was the most beneficial to your electoral district? To the province as a whole? Which was least beneficial, or even harmful, to this riding? To the province as a whole?”

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Twitter Used For Charitable Giving

Submitted by: Dan Campbell

Twitter campaigns from various companies are working with social media networks to help people less fortunate, during the holidays and year round. The #TweetToFeed program may provide nearly 150,000 meals to food banks, according to the officials of the fund. All that people need to do to help is to follow @SusquehannaBank while on Twitter, and be sure to retweet a few messages. Each Tweetizen will be able to donate fifteen meals with just a few clicks.

Other food banks are also running charitable campaigns on Twitter, including some in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia and Maryland. There are physical boxes for collection as well, but the Twitter campaign has a broader appeal and has brought in more people to donate. They can reach out to people who are non-customers as well as customers, and even people who live outside their area can help. Over 2400 meals have been donated already.

Twitter has been used for charity before, too. Drew Carey pledged $1 per follower in 2009 to LiveStrong. Twitter is a quickly-expanding social network site, and it’s home to celebrities and everyday people as well. Many celebrities have helped worthwhile causes, and the everyday users have responded with open hearts.


Justin Bieber has used Twitter to tell his rabid fans about singles and albums coming out, along with sending words of sympathy or best wishes to other celebs. Justin has recently announced that he will be donating some proceeds from his newest album to a children’s hospital.

Bieber’s Acoustic album was recently released, and since he has teamed with the Children’s Miracle Network, to help the children currently under care. Bieber tweeted that he enjoys being able to give thanks to his fans and to God. He wrote one track thinking about helping other people, and feels responsible to help out in a meaningful way. He doesn’t see the point in making music if he can’t use his celebrity to help make a difference in people’s lives. His most recent album is a gift to his fans, and he is happy that the monies will go to help people out.

In Seattle, Washington, an average person named Patty Campbell had a great idea that she took to Twitter, where it is having a big impact. The idea started as sending a tweet for her Parka Party . The monies raised will all go to local charities. Twitterzens are donating money to the charity of their choice, and then tweet the receipt, and that’s how you join the party.

In Seattle, Washington, an average person named Patty Campbell had a great idea that she took to Twitter, where it is having a big impact. The idea started as sending a tweet for her Parka Party . The monies raised will all go to local charities. Twitterzens are donating money to the charity of their choice, and then tweet the receipt, and that’s how you join the party.

These are just a few ways that people are making a difference on Twitter.

Burton’s Stainboy is a young and nervous superhero from a poetry book, and the character has appeared in some short animated movies in 2000.You will get more information by visiting Twitter proxy.

About the Author: Burton’s Stainboy is a young and nervous superhero from a poetry book, and the character has appeared in some short animated movies in 2000.You will get more information by visiting




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Metropolitan Police to sell New Scotland Yard

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Metropolitan Police — the police force for the Greater London area — has announced they may sell their headquarters, New Scotland Yard, in order to cut costs.

They are trying to reduce their £3.6 billion annual budget by £500 million, following cuts by the coalition government. If the sale of New Scotland Yard goes ahead, the Metropolitan Police would move to a new location on the Embankment in the Curtis Green building, formerly the site of Cannon Row Police Station.

Other proposals have been raised including selling off other property assets and closing police counters during off-peak hours, but officer numbers are to be maintained.

New Scotland Yard famously has a three-sided rotating sign that turns 14,000 times per day. John Tully, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents the interests of police officers, said it is “regrettable” that an “iconic building like New Scotland Yard is going to bite the dust”. Tully also noted there will be relocation costs.


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Investigation into Washington, D.C. Metro crash finds need for new safety rules

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An investigation into the fatal 2009 Washington Metro train collision conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) called for new safety and maintenance rules. The report, released today, blamed the crash on the faulty automatic train-control system. The report also cited the use of dated 1000-Series train cars. The 2009 crash, which killed 9 and injured 80, occurred during the evening rush between the Takoma and Fort Totten stations on the Red Line.

NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman said that the system is currently regulated by state and local agencies. She called for Federal oversight. “Now it’s really time for them to step up to the plate and for Congress to address the issue,” Hersman said during the release of the findings.

In 2009, Hersman told Congress that Federal safety guidelines should be set saying “the state oversight system is not effective, they don’t have any teeth.” Currently the Federal government has control of interstate transit systems, not regional or local transit systems.

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) said yesterday that it would replace all of it’s 1000-Series trains with newer models. After the crash, then WMATA general manager, John Catoe said that “the system is safe.” WMATA’s interim general manager Richard Sarles said that “We are committed to considering and following through on the findings and recommendations.”

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Suspected US drone strikes kill twelve in western Pakistan

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pakistani intelligence officials said earlier today that two suspected US drone attacks in Taliban-dominated tribal areas of the country have killed at least a dozen people, although some reports put the number as high as seventeen.

The first attack targeted a vehicle carrying two suspected militants in the town of Dosali, in the North Waziristan tribal area near the Afghan border.

Hours later elsewhere in North Waziristan, officials reported that several drones fired seven missiles into suspected militant compounds. They added that the death toll could rise. However, it was not immediately clear how many Taliban members were killed in the strikes.

“Seven missiles were fired. They hit a cave complex, a compound and a vehicle,” said a Pakistani official, as quoted by the Reuters news agency.

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Come Here In India And Experience Birding Tours}

Come here in India and Experience Birding Tours


Balvinder Singh

India is the favorite destination of innumerous migratory birds which fly all the way here during winters to escape from the harsh cold of their native regions. The arrival of these migratory birds makes India a much sought-after place for bird watchers from across the globe.

Among the many regions, one of the most sellable is the

birding tour of North India

. This region includes the states of Delhi, Haryana, Uttaranchal, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The myriad avian population here is eye catching and dazzling to bird lovers. These birding sites are a sight to behold during its peak season with all the flapping and fluttering of chirping birds echoing the landscapes.


Keoladeo Bird sanctuary also known as Bharatpur Bird sanctuary is the most ideal place for

Indian bird watching tours

. Once upon a time, it served as a hunting ground for the Royals. Shooting birds was a popular sport but over the time, better sense prevailed and gunshots turned into conservation. Today it witnesses more photo shots than ever before as thousands of bird lovers throng to this place every year.

The timing for

birding tours to India

differs according to season. Before planning a trip, it is better to check the best time to visit section of official websites. However, October is the season for visiting Keoladeo as this is the time when the migratory birds start arriving in search of warmer pastures. The famous Siberian Crane, Dalmatian Pelican, Sarus Crane and other species of Flycatchers, Hawks, Stints etc make their way here all the way from Siberia crossing Afghanistan and Pakistan to cover a distance of 6400 kms. Some of these birds are on the verge of extinction as they number only a few hundred.

Flamingos, Sarus Cranes, Tadpoles, Brahminy Ducks, Geese and Herons feast on the wetlands of Bharatpur. Arrivals start from October till December and they start leaving by March. Patna Bird Park in Agra, Valavedar National Park, Khichan, Desert National Park, Kumbhalgarh, Chambal National Park, etc are some of the other known spots for birding tours of North India.

Birding tours to India

is one of the best excuse to witness some of the most spectacular bird watching sites. There is no better fun that watching some of the rarest of birds in their natural habitat, singing to the most melodious of tunes. Be sure to carry a pair of binoculars and a camera to capture these precious moments. For a truly authentic bird watching experience it is advisable to hire the services of specialized bird watching guides and travel operators. Also, bird watching is best experienced in a group.

Indian bird watching tours

fulfill your all the criteria of responsible tourism. Efforts are made to sustain the equilibrium set by nature; hence tours are conducted with the least of noise. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the natural sounds of the birds and not disturb them in their nesting place.

Indian bird watching tours

can be best experienced under the expert guidance of trained bird watcher Balvinder Singh (Bali). An experienced bird explorer myself, I provide detailed itineraries through my company wildlifeexplorerindia.com to show you some of the rarest and most spectacular birds of my land.My

birding tour of North India

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Burglars steal Milan Lu?i?’s Memorial Cup ring from his Vancouver home

Friday, July 11, 2008

Yesterday, Milan Lu?i?‘s family returned home and found their home ransacked by burglars. It was discovered that the young NHL star’s prized Memorial Cup ring and several valuable tournament watches were stolen from their home in Vancouver, Canada .

Lu?i?’s mother, Snežana, has said that the thieves gained entrance to the family’s home by smashing in the back door.

Lu?i?, 20, who lives with his parents, Dobrivoje and Snežana, is a player for the Boston Bruins and flew to Boston on Wednesday to help out at a rookies camp.

“We don’t know if it was random,” she said. “They went into his room upstairs and took his Memorial Cup ring and three of his Esquire watches.”

Other rooms in the home were ransacked and alcohol was stolen.

“He was very disappointed,” said Snežana, referring to Lu?i?’s reaction when she called her son in Boston shortly after the robbery.

Before Lu?i? flew to Boston. he told Snežana before flying to Boston he was thinking about his memorabilia and recalled how, last summer, former goalie for the Edmonton Oilers, Bill Ranford, was robbed of memorabilia from his New Westminster home.

“So in a way he wasn’t surprised,” Snežana said.

Lu?i? was raised in East Vancouver. He carried the Vancouver Giants to a Memorial Cup victory in 2007. He was awarded as the Most Valuable Player and led the Giants in scoring for the 2006-07 season.

Lu?i? accumulated 27 points and 89 penalty minutes in his play for with the Boston Bruins last season.

According to Snežana the NHL has been advised of the burglary and intends to monitor websites like Craigslist and eBay to see if someone attempts to sell the distinctive ring.

The Vancouver Police Department‘s investigation is ongoing.

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Oil in Alberta spill may be carcinogenic

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The province of Alberta, Canada is considering legal action against Canadian National Railway for failing to warn that a derailment last week contaminated Wabamun Lake with a hazardous chemical.

The 700,000 litres of heavy Bunker C fuel oil that spilled into the lake asphyxiated birds and killed fish.

In addition, one of the ruptured tanker cars sent 70,000 liters of Imperial Pole Treating Oil into the lake. This oil is a yellow mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Naphthalene, a component of this “very toxic material” is suspected of causing skin cancer if touched and lung or other cancers if inhaled.[1] Inhalation is promoted by actions that cause splashing or foaming. The mineral oil is used in connection with pentachlorophenol for preserving wooden utility poles.

Wabamun Lake is a popular summertime recreational area about 65 kilometers (40 miles) west of Edmonton, Alberta.

The 766-megawatt Keephills power generating plant, one of 3 in Wabamun, was shut down because the coal-fired plant uses water from the lake. Edmonton’s health authority ordered people not to swim, boat or rescue animals in the lake and to stop using its water or any water from nearby wells for cooking, drinking, showering or brushing teeth. These warnings came 3 days after many residents, including children, had been wading into the oil slick without protective clothing to save wildlife injured by the spill and others had been routinely depending on the lakewater for home use. Why the alert was not issued sooner remains under investigation and may result in criminal charges. Canadian National Railway had been informed of the nature of the oil when it was loaded by Imperial Oil Ltd., Canada’s largest petroleum company. Imperial Oil is posting informational updates on a special website [2]. In addition The Wabamun Residents Committee has established an information website [3].

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