20 confirmed dead after Kintampo freak tree accident

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A freak accident caused twenty deaths and some injuries, according to officials, at the well-known Kintampo waterfall, in Ghana, on Sunday afternoon local time. Those affected were reportedly school students from Wenchi Senior High School on a supervised trip, and several tourists, who were swimming at the time of a rainstorm and strong winds, bringing down a tree and crushing victims.

Eighteen students, according to Ghana National Fire Service spokesman Prince Billy Anaglate, were killed at the falls, while another two were rushed to hospital and died in care. Varying reports indicated possibly up to 18 people remaining in a critical condition who were trapped under the tree, who were then rescued and rushed to hospital, including a Wenchi Senior High School administrator.

Anaglate said the wind uprooted trees, which fell on swimmers.

Students’ bodies have been sent to the Kintampo Municipal Hospital’s morgue.

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Loads Of Loaders Loaders Explained}

Submitted by: Schaffer Loaders

Below broad definitions of various loader types are outlined.

Some of these definitions are interchangeable and often just relate to the size loader you are talking about. For example articulated loader is the generic term for any articulated loader and can include mini loader, mini digger, front end loader, wheel loader and can even include some backhoe loaders which are articulated.


An articulated loader has an articulation joint in the middle. The loader is made from two chassis joined together, as opposed to a rigid bodied machine, like a car or skid steer. An articulated loader by definition has articulated steering, and covers all loaders with articulated steering from articulated mini loaders weighing in at just 1500kg, to the worlds largest wheel loaders.

Articulated loaders have a lot of benefits compared to rigid bodied machines and any operator will quickly tell you this.


A mini loader is generally classified as a loader with a weight under 2000kg. The smallest mini loaders are stand on skid steer type loaders, although relatively recently some companies have released stand on mini articulated loaders. The stand on mini loaders are very limited in terms of capacity and size, as operators arent given a high comfort level as they have to stand up all day which isnt conducive to a productive work life. The mini stand on loaders are suited to small jobs requiring the operator to jump on and off frequently.

The next step up in mini skid steer loaders are mini bobcat style loaders which have a seated operating position. These mini skid steers allow the operator to perform tight access work, and the comfort level increases as at least the operator has a seat to sit on throughout the day.

The biggest recent trend however is towards articulated mini loaders which are now rapidly becoming commonplace on construction sites across the world. They have a seat to operate from , great all round visibility as the operator sits on top of the machine and are able to handle more weight as the wheel base is significantly longer than a mini skid steer. An articulated loader of the same weight can outperform a mini skid steer in lift capacity as a longer wheel base gives more leverage at the tool frame.

The articulated mini loaders are also very comfortable to drive if an oscillating articulation joint is incorporated between the two chassis. The oscillating articulation joint allows the loaders wheels to conform to the rough terrain so each bump isnt going through to the operators seat, basically it acts a type of suspension. Articulated mini loaders are now highly maneuverable so give the advantages of a longer wheel base, but are still able to work in restrictive areas, the same as a mini skid steer. The articulated mini loader also has the massive advantage of low ground disturbance and very minimal tyre wear.

Being able to run as many tools as possible is critical with any mini loader and hence all mini loaders either articulated or skid steer, will have auxiliary output as standard. to be able to run tools.


The term front end loader can refer to any loader with a bucket attached at the front. However it is just about always referred to as an articulated loader and not a skid steer as front end loaders were traditionally used for the heavy duty front end work. The mast of a front end loader is fixed horizontally, as opposed to a telescopic loader, which can telescope out to gain more reach (described below). An articulated mini-loader, articulated loader and wheel loader are all a type of front end loader. What weight class actually contributes a front end loader category is quite arbitrary, but some manufacturers will designate articulated loaders in the operating weight 2 tonnes to 5 tonnes as front end loaders, however any size machine can often be called a front end loader.

The term front end loader is also used for tractor style front end loaders. These are a separate mast and bucket attached to the front end of a tractor, often after purchase, to enable it to do some work at the front of the machine. Tractors however are built for towing as the main weight of the machine, the engine, is placed far forward to give traction when towing and so is not ideal for heavy duty front end loader work.

All articulated front end loaders, articulated wheel loaders and all articulated mini loaders built by major manufactures have the seating position mounted on the rear chassis section. This is important as it allows much greater performance to be achieved quickly by the operator. When the operator sits on the rear of the loader, reversing is the same as when reversing a car, however when you sit on the front of the loader every time you need to reverse the loader it is like having a swinging trailer behind you. Most operators can eventually get used to this operating position, but having to think every time when reversing hinders productivity, even with very experienced operators. This is particularly noticeable when working in confined areas as the tail swings out when attempting to reverse and must be controlled. This is the reason that all major world manufacturers now make the operator sit at the rear of the machine.


A wheel loader is generally regarded as a large articulated loader, however one of Australias industry bibles Earthmover and Civil Contractor Plant Specs classifies all articulated loaders as wheel loaders and further categorizes them by operating horsepower. It is only articulated steering that gives the ability for such a large machine to operate efficiently, particularly over around the 8 tonne mark. Wheel loaders are often regarded as articulated loaders over 5 tonnes and continue up to the largest loaders in the word which are over 200 tonnes.

The larger the wheel loader, the greater the tendency for the loader to become a dedicated machine and not have a quick attach too frame. This is because wheel loaders are often used for production and so versatility is not required. Purpose built loaders can often be more efficient for a single job than a general purpose machine, by bringing in the hitch closer to the front axle of the loader, so capacity and stability is maximized.


Front axle steered loaders are rigid bodied loaders, with the same steering principle as a car, the front wheels turn to steer the loader. This group covers the backhoe loaders, as explained below and all tractors. Tractors, although they can be fitted with a front end loader attachment to do light duty work, arent designed from the ground up for industrial earthmoving but are instead designed for towing as they have the majority of their weight mounted far forward so weight is still maintained on the front wheels when towing heavy implements.


Backhoe loaders are a front end loader with a permanently mounted backhoe, which is an excavator arm designed for trenching. Most manufacturers offer backhoes as a rigid bodied loader for extra stability when trenching, however a couple of articulated backhoes do exist. Backhoes in recent years have fallen out of favour as the purpose build excavator will always outperform them on a job site. The backhoe is also a compromise as a front end loader as an articulated loader will always outperform a rigid bodied loader due to the advantages of articulated steering.

A new entry into this backhoe market that crosses some traditional boundaries is the release of the front mounted excavator hoe. This allows the front end loader operator to add a front mounted hoe to perform some excavation work. The performance isnt the same as a purpose built excavator, but allows extra utilization on a job site and doesnt require trucking a new machine in just to finish off routine excavation tasks. The front hoe is particularly suited to articulated loaders as the operator needs to just turn the steering wheel slightly to dump the load out of the front hoe, and then to turn back again to start excavating again. Skid steers on the other hand start to scrub a lot of earth out from under the skid steer wheels when turning on the spot to dump after excavating a scoop of earth.


A front end loader has a fixed mast the mast cant extend horizontally, only up and down. A telescopic loader on the other hand can extend out horizontally. The extra reach of a telescopic loader can be advantageous in certain situations but must be used with caution as the further the mast is extended, the lower the capacity if the loader as the centre of gravity shifts out. For true earthmoving work or materials handling with a bucket, an articulated loader or one of the modern articulated telescopic loaders is always the machine of choice due to superior all round visibility compared to rigid bodied telehandlers.


A skidsteer is a rigid bodied (single chassis) loader, designed to skid on their wheels or tracks to turn sharply, and can even turn on the spot if necessary. Articulated front end loaders on the other hand use the articulation joint between the front and rear chassis to steer the loader in the required direction, so they cannot turn on the spot. Modern articulated loader manufacturers now make articulated loaders highly manoeverable and give numerous benefits over skidsteers so give the extra benefit of low tyre wear in comparison to a skidsteer. For a skidsteer to turn so sharply, one side of wheels/tracks locks up allowing the wheels on the other side to skid on themselves, allowing a very sharp turn. The downside here is that the tyres may be worn out very quickly as a result. The ground also gets ripped apart, often doing a lot of damage to the surface, even on asphalt. Visibility is also quite bad, as the driver is confined in a small metal cabin with the mast attached either side of the cabin, further restricting visibility. The driver sits very low to the ground with the engine behind the operator.

Skidsteers are broken up into two main groups stand on skid steers, and larger skid steers. All sizes of skid steers are available with conventional tyres or with tracks. Tracks give more grip in boggy conditions, however maintenance costs are incredibly high compared to wheeled skidsteers. The cost isnt just the tracks themselves, but also the complex lug and wheel assembly that turn the tracks. Fuel consumption is also significantly higher in a tracked loader as the rolling resistance of a track is much higher than wheels.


A forklift is an industrial vehicle with a hydraulically operated vertical mast and pallet forks. Forklifts are a common sight in warehouses worldwide and generally dont have the capability to operate off hard surfaces unless they are specifically built for an all terrain capability. The pallet forks or tines are inserted under loads to lift, stack and move them. Typically a forklift is not designed to have many other tools or attachments.

Forklifts are purpose built and are able to lift larger loads that a comparable front end loader with a fork attachment. The vertical mast of the forklift is mounted much closer to the chassis of the machine, so the centre of gravity of the load is closer which allows the forklift to always outperform a front end loader of comparable weight. Some operators however still prefer to use a front end loader as the extra reach allows them to unload a truck from one side. A new entry into this market is the Schaffer articulated forklift, it combines the all terrain capability of a strong earthmoving front end loader with the capacity of an industrial forklift.

About the Author: Schaffer has been the leading brand in mini loaders and front-end loaders for over 50 years. Schaffer provide

mini loaders


front-end loaders

, fork-lifts, telescopic loaders, articulated loaders, skid-steers, mini diggers, articulated fork lifts and all accessories.



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Australian treasurer attacks opposition leader’s tax question error

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

File:AUS$20 John Flynn.jpg

The ability of Australian opposition leader, Kevin Rudd to run the country’s economy has been questioned by the Government after he made an error responding to a question on Australia’s current tax system today. Speaking in Queanbeyan, New South Wales earlier today, Mr Rudd was asked if he could name the current tax rates and the thresholds at which they kick in.

Mr Rudd said that he thought the top tax rate started at AUD$175,000. In fact, Australia’s top taxation rate begins at $150,000. “Well, as of July 1, if you went through the four thresholds, I think the high threshold kicks in I think at $175,000, then I think it cascades down the spectrum,” Mr Rudd told reporters.

Australian treasurer Peter Costello, who introduced the tax threshold changes, has seized on the opposition leader’s uncertainty, claiming that “he has never cared about economic policy, he has no interest in it,” he said.

Treasurer Costello claimed: “He was exposed as a fraud on productivity and we don’t hear him talking about productivity very much anymore.

“Now he has been exposed as being naked when it comes to understanding the tax system.”

Mr Costello demanded that the opposition release their taxation policy. “Since the Labor Party demands an election to be called on a daily basis, you would think they might have the decency of releasing a policy so that people can know what it is,” said Costello.

A Federal election is expected in Australia in the next three months and the Coalition Government is trailing the Opposition by ten percentage points on a two-party preferred basis.

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Chula Vista, California becomes model for blight control laws in the US

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The San Diego, California suburb of Chula Vista has responded to the recent housing crisis with an aggressive blight control ordinance that compels lenders to maintain the appearance of vacant homes. As foreclosures increase both locally and throughout the United States, the one year old ordinance has become a model for other cities overwhelmed by the problem of abandoned homes that decay into neighborhood eyesores.

Chula Vista city code enforcement manager Doug Leeper told the San Diego Union Tribune that over 300 jurisdictions have contacted his office during the past year with inquiries about the city’s tough local ordinance. Coral Springs, Florida, and California towns Stockton, Santee, Riverside County, and Murietta have all modeled recently enacted anti-blight measures after Chula Vista’s. On Wednesday, 8 October, the Escondido City Council also voted to tighten local measures making lenders more accountable for maintenance of empty homes.

Lenders will respond when it costs them less to maintain the property than to ignore local agency requirements.

Under the Chula Vista ordinance lenders become legally responsible for upkeep as soon as a notice of mortgage default gets filed on a vacant dwelling, before actual ownership of the dwelling returns to the lender. Leeper regards that as “the cutting-edge part of our ordinance”. Chula Vista also requires prompt registration of vacant homes and applies stiff fines as high as US$1000 per day for failure to maintain a property. Since foreclosed properties are subject to frequent resale between mortgage brokers, city officials enforce the fines by sending notices to every name on title documents and placing a lien on the property, which prevents further resale until outstanding fines have been paid. In the year since the ordinance went into effect the city has applied $850,000 in fines and penalties, of which it has collected $200,000 to date. The city has collected an additional $77,000 in registration fees on vacant homes.

Jolie Houston, an attorney in San Jose, believes “Lenders will respond when it costs them less to maintain the property than to ignore local agency requirements.” Traditionally, local governments have resorted to addressing blight problems on abandoned properties with public funds, mowing overgrown lawns and performing other vital functions, then seeking repayment afterward. Chula Vista has moved that responsibility to an upfront obligation upon lenders.

That kind of measure will add additional costs to banks that have been hit really hard already and ultimately the cost will be transferred down to consumers and investors.

As one of the fastest growing cities in the United States during recent years, Chula Vista saw 22.6% growth between 2000 and 2006, which brought the city’s population from 173,556 in the 2000 census to an estimated 212,756, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Chula Vista placed among the nation’s 20 fastest growing cities in 2004. A large proportion of local homes were purchased during the recent housing boom using creative financing options that purchasers did not understand were beyond their means. Average home prices in San Diego County declined by 25% in the last year, which is the steepest drop on record. Many homeowners in the region currently owe more than their homes are worth and confront rising balloon payment mortgages that they had expected to afford by refinancing new equity that either vanished or never materialized. In August 2008, Chula Vista’s eastern 91913 zip code had the highest home mortgage default rate in the county with 154 filings and 94 foreclosures, an increase of 154% over one year previously. Regionally, the county saw 1,979 foreclosures in August.

Professionals from the real estate and mortgage industries object to Chula Vista’s response to the crisis for the additional burdens it places on their struggling finances. Said San Diego real estate agent Marc Carpenter, “that kind of measure will add additional costs to banks that have been hit really hard already and ultimately the cost will be transferred down to consumers and investors.” Yet city councils in many communities have been under pressure to do something about increasing numbers of vacant properties. Concentrations of abandoned and neglected homes can attract vandals who hasten the decline of struggling neighborhoods. Jolie Houston explained that city officials “can’t fix the lending problem, but they can try to prevent neighborhoods from becoming blighted.”

Does Chula Vista’s solution save neighborhoods or worsen the financial crisis?
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CEO Robert Klein of Safeguard, a property management firm, told the Union Tribune that his industry is having difficulty adapting to the rapidly changing local ordinances. “Every day we discover a new ordinance coming out of somewhere”, he complained. Dustin Hobbs, a spokesman from the California Association of Mortgage Bankers agreed that uneven local ordinances are likely to increase the costs of lending. Hobbs advised that local legislation is unnecessary due to California State Senate Bill 1137, which was recently approved to address blight. Yet according to Houston, the statewide measure falls short because it fails to address upkeep needs during the months between the time when foreclosure begins and when the lender takes title.

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Kinds Of Solar Power Solar Energy Devices

Kinds of Solar power Solar energy devices


Jenny D\’Souza

Grid-linked Solar powered Solar power machine

This is actually the most in-demand sort of Solar energy PV system designed for dwellings and institutions into the progressed world. Link with all the localized electric power network makes it possible for just about any excess power established to be able to be provided on to the entire benefits. Source of electricity will probably be shipped in via the \’network \’ away from daytime. An inverter is considered to be employed in order to transform the DC electrical power created by the system towards Air conditioning unit electrical power intended for operating natural electric power tools.

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Power grid-connected P v programs would be the more popular Solar power power model readily available. Power grid-attached units are so very labeled because these are usually connected exclusively on tothe actual electric powered Grid – all of the enormous network related with electric power wires which in turn spans the entire country as well as crisscrosses your town. These kinds of products usually are quite often called directly to like battery-less Grid-coupled as well as battery-less utility-tied programs.

All over locations having some sort of superior feed-in tariff, charge for the electric energy produced (look at Component 6: Plan Drivers) will be appreciably excessive as compared to the common tariff compensated from the potential customer towards the benefits, so all this particular source of electricity created is usually provided to the general population Power grid and consequently distributed onto the benefits. This can be a situation in economies along the lines of Germany or Spain.


The particular financially optimum dimensions of some sort of Power grid-coupled \’pv\’ equipment is based mostly on numerous economic bonuses as well as legal boundaries, considering the fact that Power grid equality – that means the expense relating to pv developed electricity are actually the same as or less costly than the price of Power grid energy – can be reached exclusively inside a couple of locations these days.Net metering principles, as is also widely utilised in the US as well as Canada, offer – just like stand-alone programs – not any inducement to build programs that will deliver considerably more power electricity in comparison to utilized within the exact house through all the year; the exact Grid swaps only a localised battery power backup. Feed-in cost methods alternatively exhibit massive systems that have net additional successful.

Solar power systems need

Solar Powered Inverters



Whereby basically no mains electric power can be acquired, the device happens to be interconnected to a battery with a power regulator. This process holds the source of electricity constructed with regards to foreseeable future utilization and even serves as the most crucial electric powered distribution. Each inverter can often offer AC electrical power, making it possible for the usage of standard electric powered gadgets. Familiar off-Grid plans seem to be repeater stations with respect to cell phones, electrification with respect to isolated places (hill sheds) or perhaps far off electrification in developing nations. Rural electrification will mean possibly compact Solar power house models masking elementary electric power demands within a household, as well as bigger Solar energy mini-Power grids, that will provide enough power intended for a number of residences.

Wherever any kind of energy Power grid will never be or not at the acceptable payments attainable, a stand-alone photo-voltaic system can be used to create all of the demanded electrically powered electric power. Cases designed for such an software are generally down hill sheds and also cabin rentals across rural regions, Photo voltaic energy -motorized waters pushes, emergency situation handsets, but also products with regard to boats and even recreational motor vehicles (camper cars).

Simply because the Solar energy programs solely deliver energy electricity while in the day, it\’s important to hold electric power with regards to night time or for overcast days and nights. This type of storing products mainly employ rechargeable lead electric batteries, with regard to their capacity settle for with good efficacy mutually lower and also substantial source power. An actual battery regulator forbids overcharging, any kind of load reducing circuit stops profound discharges. Because of the excessive variations in energy levels production in between winter and even summer time it is certainly highly recommended toward utilize hybrid methods pertaining to year-around packages. These types of can make use of diesel-powered and also biogas turbines and even wind turbines; in most situations they will incorporate a backup solar battery also.

Hybrid machine

Hybrid programs might be either described as an off-Power grid device utilizing the particular Grid because the stand by generator or perhaps a Grid-coupled product with a few additional battery power storage space. In any event, all of these products don t require pricey diesel fuel generators considering that Grid provides the support, as well as the magnitude of the particular electric battery arrays can become reduced given that the charge for back-up electric powered applying off-peak Power grid electric energy is noticeably lower in comparison to that given basically by diesel engine electric generators.

Often the technologies which is which makes this achievable is often a fresh era of items efficient at guiding electricity moves as the potential customer greatest hopes.

You are able to likewise add a wind mill right into any one of the units mentioned above and also a suitable emergency power generator right into all of our stand alone systems. Any kind of Photovoltaic or pv device is generally merged with some other way to electric powered – one particular biomass power generators, wind powered generator and even heavy duty diesel generators – to be sure a frequent cause of electric power. An absolute hybrid model can often be Grid-related, stand-alone as well as Power grid-support.

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Employees killed in Foxconn manufacturing factory

Thursday, May 26, 2011

On Friday evening, an explosion in Chengdu, China caused partial shutdown of a facility operated by Foxconn, one of the world’s biggest electronics manufacturers and a major supplier to companies like Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Sony, Apple, Motorola and Nokia. Initial investigations now suggest the explosion was caused by poor ventilation, which lead to high concentrations of combustible dust.

The blast happened at 7:18PM, around the time workers change shifts. A fire followed. Emergency services had control by 7:30PM. At least three people were killed, at least fifteen injured. Foxconn halted production to investigate, saying “All operations at the affected workshop remain suspended and production at all other workshops that carry out similar processing functions have also been halted pending the results of the investigation. All other production operations in our facilities in China continue operating normally.”

On Monday, city officials gave the cause as combustible dust in the air at a polishing workshop. Hong Kong-based labor rights group Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior said they reported aluminium dust problems in March when they reviewed working conditions at Foxconn. After the explosion, they commented that workers were complaining “the ventilation of the department is poor. Workers polish the iPad cases to make them shiny. In the process, there is lots of aluminum (aluminium) dust floating in the air. Workers always breathe in aluminum dust even though they put on masks. When workers take off their cotton gloves, their hands are covered with aluminum dust.”

Foxconn responded by saying the group was trying to “capitalize on the tragic accident” and misrepresented “Foxconn’s commitment to the health and safety of our employees.”

Foxconn is responsible for making iPads and iPhones for Apple. Research group IHS iSuppli said the explosion may cause loss of production of 500,000 iPads during this quarter of the year. They said there is a larger facility in Shenzhen, but it cannot cope with re-compensating the possible loss.

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Florida man charged with stealing Wi-Fi

Update since publication

This article mentions that Wi-Fi stands for “Wireless Fidelity”, although this is disputed.

Thursday, July 7, 2005

A Florida man is being charged with 3rd degree felony for logging into a private Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Internet access point without permission. Benjamin Smith III, 41, is set for a pre-trial hearing this month in the first case of its kind in the United States.

This kind of activity occurs frequently, but often goes undetected by the owners of these wireless access points (WAPs). Unauthorized users range from casual Web browsers, to users sending e-mails, to users involved in pornography or even illegal endeavours.

According to Richard Dinon, owner of the WAP Smith allegedly broke into, Smith was using a laptop in an automobile while parked outside Dinon’s residence.

There are many steps an owner of one of these access points can take to secure them from outside users. Dinon reportedly knew how to take these steps, but had not bothered because his “neighbors are older.”

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Man rips off Hitler waxwork’s head in Berlin

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A man ripped off the head of a wax model of Adolf Hitler during the opening ceremony of a museum in Berlin, Germany.

An unknown 41-year old German, reported to be the second one in line at the opening of the Madame Tussauds museum in Berlin, pushed aside 2 officers then went to the exhibit depicting Hitler. He then yelled “No more war!” and ripped the wax head off only a few minutes after the museum opened.

Police arrested the man, charging him for assault and damaging property, said spokesman Uwe Kozelnik. The accused is currently in custody.

In the weeks preceding the opening, critics argued that it was inappropriate to show Hitler with other famous figures, while others say that Hitler’s role in German history justifies his placement within the exhibition.

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C Thr81 1608 Certifications Book}

Submitted by: Richard Mills

Question: 1

You must set up a workflow with three approvers. One of the approvers must be the president of the employee’s division. Each division in the company has a different president. What workflow feature would you configure to meet this requirement?

Please choose the correct answer. Choose one:

A. Dynamic role

B. cc role

C. workflow contributo

D. workflow group

Answer: A

Question: 2

What type of data can you manipulate in the Online Report Designer?

There are 2 correct answers to this question. Choose:

A. Ad hoc reports

B. standard reports

C. Pivot queries

D. List reports

Answer: C,D

Question: 3

Why would you need to set up a Time Account Type?

Please choose the correct answer. Choose one:

A. To enforce rules around vacation rollove

B. To allow employees to request their own time off.

C. To give qualifying employees jury duty leave.

D. To set up automatic accruals

Answer: D

Question: 4

What does the system do when a label for a language is missing in one of the data models?

Please choose the correct answer. Choose one:

A. Displays a blank label

B. Displays a warning message

C. Hides the field

D. Displays the default label

Answer: D

Question: 5

You are creating a generic object and you want to add a foundation object as a field. Based on the attached screenshot, what value would you enter for the Valid Values Source?

Please choose the correct answer. Choose one:

A. external Code

B. Code

C. location

D. Location Name

Answer: C

Question: 6

What tool do you use to add event reason rules and workflow rules to the job information portlet?

Please choose the correct answer. Choose one:

A. Manage Organization, Pay and Job structures

B. Manage data

C. Manage Business Configuration

D. Manage Configuration UI

Answer: A

Question: 7

Which reporting feature allows you to manipulate the relationships between tables in a query?

Please choose the correct answer. Choose one:

A. Report distributo

B. Advanced join edito

C. Calculated column

D. Filte

Answer: B

Question: 8

What data types are only valid for a generic object field?

There are 2 correct answers to this question. Choose:

A. Auto Numbe

B. Use

C. Date

D. String

Answer: A,B

Question: 9

Which of the following actions can you complete in the position organization chart?

There are 3 correct answers to this question. Choose:

A. Add a higher-level position.

B. Show inactive positions

C. View the positional hierarchy at a certain point in time.

D. Add a new employee

E. Search by an employee’s name.

Answer: B,C,E

Question: 10

How can you assign a business role to a business user?

There are 2 correct answers to this question. Choose:

A. Use the Mass Data Maintenance function for employees.

B. Edit the fine tuning activity to add business roles.

C. Use the Employees and Users data migration template.

D. Edit the access rights of the business user.

Answer: C,D

Question: 11

Your customer wants you to create a custom field in the Succession Data Model that allows employees to add their three letter ISO country code to their profile.

Which XML configuration correctly defines this field?

Please choose the correct answer.

Choose one:


ISO Code


About the Author: Test Information:Total Questions 151Test Number: C_THR81_1608Vendor Name: SAPCert Name: SAP Application AssociateTest Name: SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Q3/2016Official Site:


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Wikipedia founder embroiled in affair and financial allegations

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

The implosion of a relationship between Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and journalist Rachel Marsden has resulted in controversy and international headlines. Associated Press and ABC News have also reported on questionable activity by Wales involving Wikimedia Foundation expenses. The Wikimedia Foundation is a donor-supported non-profit organization which runs Wikipedia.

Marsden had contacted Wales two years ago about concerns she had over the article about her on Wikipedia, and Wales determined the article was not compliant with Wikipedia’s standards. The tech blog Valleywag revealed Wales had a personal relationship with Marsden, and posted supposed transcripts of their instant message conversations on its site, www.valleywag.com. Wales and Marsden met in February, and The Times reported that “An apparent transcript of their conversations before that meeting suggests that, although Mr Wales had withdrawn from the editing process, he was still influencing the editors.” The Times quoted Wales from the chat logs as having stated to Marsden “The truth is of course a much worse conflict of interest than that; but that will do.” — in reference to his conflict of interest regarding Marsden’s article on Wikipedia.

Wales posted a public statement on Saturday on Wikipedia addressing the matter, and stated that his relationship with Marsden was over: “First, while I find it hard to imagine that anyone really cares about my sex life, the facts are: I am separated from my wife. I considered myself single at the time of my one meeting with Rachel Marsden on Feb. 9, 2008 … I am no longer involved with Rachel Marsden. Gossipy stories suggesting that I have been in a relationship with her ‘since last fall’ are completely false … I care deeply about the integrity of Wikipedia, and take very seriously my responsibilities as a member of the board and as a member of the Wikipedia community. I would never knowingly do anything to compromise that trust.” With regard to the conflict of interest in Marsden’s article, Wales had acknowledged to a team of Wikipedia editors in February 2008 that he and Marsden “became friends … and that we would be meeting about that,” and stated “I recused myself from any further official action with respect to her biography.”

On Sunday, The Canadian Press reported that Marsden had posted photos of herself on Ebay, and was selling items that Wales had left at her New York City apartment. In her Ebay posting, Marsden stated: “Hi, my name is Rachel and my (now ex-) boyfriend, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, just broke up with me via an announcement on Wikipedia … It was such a classy move that I was inspired to do something equally classy myself, so I’m selling a couple of items of clothing he left behind, here in my NYC apartment, on eBay. Jimbo was supposed to come visit me in a couple of weeks and pick up some of his stuff, but obviously that won’t be happening now.” Marsden told The Canadian Press “It didn’t really help matters that Jimmy chose to announce the breakup to the entire world via Wikipedia (which apparently now is an online encyclopedia that doubles as a personal soapbox?) rather than to me directly (which he did much later, in an instant message discussion).”

I care deeply about the integrity of Wikipedia, and take very seriously my responsibilities as a member of the board and as a member of the Wikipedia community. I would never knowingly do anything to compromise that trust.

Marsden placed a t-shirt and sweater which she said were left at her apartment by Wales up on Ebay, and started the bidding for each at ninety-nine cents, with the auctions set to end on March 12. By Monday, bidding on the t-shirt had reached US$300, and by Tuesday the highest bid had reached $12,200. In an email to The Globe and Mail, Marsden stated “My only focus right now, to be really honest, is on my career and finding a way to get back into print, TV, or radio here in NYC,” she wrote. “All of this other personal stuff is just an unfortunate distraction.”

Jay Walsh, the Wikimedia Foundation’s head of communications, told the San Jose Mercury News that Wales’ actions in relaying Marsden’s concerns about her Wikipedia article to a team of trusted editors was within his “routine” role. When asked by the San Jose Mercury News if Wales’ actions regarding the Marsden article could compromise his role with the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikipedia, Walsh responded “No, absolutely not.”

On Tuesday, ABC News carried a story by Wired News reporter Megan McCarthy regarding allegations of “excessive spending” by Wales, and Associated Press also reported on questions involving Wikimedia Foundation expenses. McCarthy reported that former Wikimedia executive Danny Wool, who had left the foundation last year, criticized Wales’ use of Wikimedia Foundation expenses in a blog post. Wool stated that Wales had tried to expense $300 bottles of wine, a $1,300 dinner for four at a Florida steakhouse, and visits to Moscow massage parlors to the foundation, and that the foundation rescinded Wales’ corporate credit card in 2006. Wool also stated that Wales paid the foundation $7,000, after being short $30,000 on receipts for expenses.

Wool told EPICENTER that “There were occasions where he used [the Wikimedia Foundation] for personal advancement under the guide [sic] of the mission. And, as someone who was in there for the mission part of it, I found that rather distressful.” Wool commented in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle: “Originally, it was carelessness … But as things developed, it became more apparent and obvious that he was taking advantage of the foundation credit card. It was almost like his personal piggy bank.”

Jimmy has never used Wikimedia money to subsidize his personal expenditures. Indeed, he has consistently put the foundation’s interests ahead of his own.

In an instant message exchange with Associated Press, Wales denied that the Wikimedia Foundation had taken away his corporate credit card, and asserted that he had made the decision to stop expensing business travel for the foundation. Wales highlighted a statement by the foundation’s executive director Sue Gardner: “Jimmy has never used Wikimedia money to subsidize his personal expenditures. Indeed, he has consistently put the foundation’s interests ahead of his own.” In an email to Associated Press, Brad Patrick, a former attorney for the Wikimedia Foundation, stated “Danny seems interested in blogging his way straight to a lawsuit”.

Florence Devouard, who chairs the Wikimedia Foundation, told Associated Press that Wales had been “slow in submitting receipts,” and that the foundation had rejected Wales’ expense at the Florida steakhouse. Devouard told fellow foundation board members in a private email that she had convinced Associated Press that “the money story was a no story,” and told Wales “I find (it) tiring to see how you are constantly trying to rewrite the past. Get a grip!” Wales told Associated Press: “The board, the current executive director, the previous executive director, and independent auditors have reviewed our books and publicly agree that all of my expenses were appropriate and fully accounted for.”

Media reports speculated on how the controversy would end up being represented in Wikipedia itself. On Wednesday, the St. Petersburg Times wrote: “Wales’ Wikipedia page said only this about Marsden: ‘Wales had a brief relationship with Canadian journalist Rachel Marsden.'” An article in The Australian surmised: “History will decide whether Mr Wales broke his own principles, but before that happens there may well be a Wikipedia page devoted to the controversy.”

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