Eight Californians seriously ill after eating live shellfish

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Eight Californians contracted a rare lung infection after eating live sawagani crabs at several southern California restaurants.

The freshwater crabs, also known as river or regal crabs, were purchased in several restaurants, including Riptide Rockin’ Sushi & Teppan Grill in Mission Viejo and Chomp Rockin’ Sushi & Teppan Grill in Fullerton. The crabs were infected with a parasite called paragonimus, a flatworm similar to lung fluke.

The parasite travels to the lungs six to ten weeks after ingestion. Symptoms include coughing, diarrhea, breathing problems, chest pain, abdominal pain, fever, and hives. The worm can spread to other organs, including the brain.

According to Wikipedia, about 5,000 Americans die of foodborne illness every year.

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Fans mourn death and celebrate life of Michael Jackson around the world

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fans have spontaneously gathered in many places around the world to both mourn and celebrate Michael Jackson who died yesterday.

In New York, a crowd of 200 people gathered, to dance and sing, under the marquee of the Apollo Theater on 125th Street in Harlem, where the Jackson Five famously performed at Amateur Night, which read “In Memory of Michael Jackson, A True Apollo Legend, 1958–2009”.

In Los Angeles, California, hundreds of fans gathered outside of the UCLA Medical Center where Jackson had been taken by paramedics.

At the Hollywood Walk of Fame, fans gathered at the star for radio commentator Michael Jackson. Jackson’s own star, located at 6927 Hollywood Boulevard, was inaccessible because of the premiere of Brüno taking place at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.

Fans at the 2009 Glastonbury Festival exchanged the news via text message. Ironically, false rumours of such celebrity events have been common at the Festival in past years, as attendees have little access to news services. As a consequence many fans have not believed the news, and will not believe it until it is announced from on stage or printed in one of the Festival’s own daily newspapers later today, as Jackson’s death occurred at 22:26 last night local time. Some people, however, have been playing Jackson’s music backstage, and an impromptu tribute to Jackson was held at the Festival’s “Stone Circle”. The Festival officially begins today, and it is expected that several performers will pay tribute to Jackson.

In Toronto, fans gathered outside of the studio of MuchMusic, which adjoins the street, to watch as a special commemorative programme was broadcast live from the studio.

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Facebook takes down groups supporting Austin crash pilot

Friday, February 19, 2010

On the popular social networking website Facebook, various groups commemorating disgruntled pilot Joseph Andrew Stack were formed on Thursday evening. Earlier that day, in what has been described as an act of “domestic terrorism,” Stack intentionally crashed his small passenger plane into an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) office building in Austin, Texas. Stack is one of two reported fatalities; the other is an IRS employee.

On the information page of the first group named “The Joe ‘Take My Pound Of Flesh’ Stack Anti-IRS Fan Page,” one administrator wrote, “[This page is] dedicated to a man, frustrated as so many of us are with our corrupt, inept government, sacrificed his life to make a statement. Will history see him as a patriot or terrorist? Depends on who is doing the writing.” This particular group had approximately 250 members.

Another group called “The Philosophy of Joe Stack” apparently came out against the attack, yet sympathized with its reasons: “This page is NOT to glorify his actions, but simply to say that after reading his note, we can agree with…Joe Stacks’ thoughts.” However, one member went as far to suggest that the United States “need[ed] a revolution” and “voting for a Democrat or a Republican is not revolutionary, it is big business as usual.”

A third group titled “Joseph Andrew Stack, we salute thee” was supposedly against violence towards others. One administrator did write, “We hope that everyone is okay and accounted for. It is our belief that his intention was not to hurt anyone, but just to prove a point.”

On the wall of a fourth group, known simply as “Joseph Andrew Stack,” creator Emily Walters of Louisville, Kentucky, wrote: “Finally an American man took a stand against our tyrannical government that no longer follows the constitution and is[sic] turned its back on its founding fathers and the beliefs this country was founded on.”

“That so many have already contributed to Facebook page[s] as ‘fans’ of this terrorist attack on public servants is a truly appalling expression of extremism, which Americans will overwhelmingly reject,” Democratic Congressman Lloyd Doggett of Texas told The Politico regarding the creation and subsequent growth of said pages.

Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities says that its users are prohibited from “post[ing] content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.” Facebook has decided that it would be appropriate under said policy to delete these four groups.

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Looted, possibly contaminated body parts transplanted into USA, Canadian patients

Monday, March 20, 2006

Fears of contaminated bone and skin grafts are being felt by unsuspecting patients following the revelation that funeral homes may have been looting corpses.

Janet Evans of Marion Ohio was told by her surgeon, “The bone grafts you got might have been contaminated”. She reacted with shock, “I was flabbergasted because I didn’t even know what he was talking about. I didn’t know I got a bone graft until I got this call. I just thought they put in screws and rods.”

The body of Alistair Cooke, the former host of “Masterpiece Theatre,” was supposedly looted along with more than 1,000 others, according to two law enforcement officials close to the case. The tissue taken was typically skin, bone and tendon, which was then sold for use in procedures such as dental implants and hip replacements. According to authorities, millions of dollars were made by selling the body parts to companies for use in operations done at hospitals and clinics in the United States and Canada.

A New Jersey company, Biomedical Tissue Services, has reportedly been taking body parts from funeral homes across Brooklyn, New York. According to ABC News, they set up rooms like a “surgical suite.” After they took the bones, they replaced them with PVC pipe. This was purportedly done by stealth, without approval of the deceased person or the next of kin. 1,077 bodies were involved, say prosecuters.

Investagators say a former dentist, Michael Mastromarino, is behind the operation. Biomedical was considered one of the “hottest procurement companies in the country,” raking in close to $5 million. Eventually, people became worried: “Can the donors be trusted?” A tissue processing company called LifeCell answered no, and issued a recall on all their tissue.

Cooke’s daughter, Susan Cooke Kittredge, said, “To know his bones were sold was one thing, but to see him standing truncated before me is another entirely.” Now thousands of people around the country are receiving letters warning that they should be tested for infectious diseases like HIV or hepatitis. On February 23, the Brooklyn District Attorney indicted Mastromarino and three others. They are charged with 122 felony counts, including forgery and bodysnatching.

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Owner and manager of Moroccan factory arrested over 55-fatality fire

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Police have arrested the owner of a mattress factory in Hay Hassini, Casablanca, Morocco which burned down in a disaster that claimed 55 lives. His son, who was the factory’s manager, was also arrested.

Those killed — 35 of whom were women — were trapped inside by locked fire exits, which were barricaded to stop theft during working hours. “The people who died were either asphyxiated or burned,” commented a firefighter. 17 were wounded. Moustapha Taouil of the Casablanca civil protection service said the blaze was triggered by an inadequatly maintained electric saw on the ground floor. The initial fire quickly engulfed all four storeys of the building.

The Rosamor factory was clearly operating unsafely, officials said. “It’s a building with a ground floor and three upper floors specialising in making furniture, therefore there were highly inflammable products,” said Taouil. “We confirmed during our examination that the owners of the premises failed to respect legal requirements for this kind of industry including staff training… the owner in contravention of the law, locked staff inside the plant apparently to prevent theft of raw material. It was this that prevented them getting out. The fire was caused by lack of proper maintenance of certain machines and electrical installations.” He said a short circuit on the ground floor, which was filled with power saws, triggered the disaster.

As a result of the investigatons, “The plant’s owner, Adil Moufarreh, and his son Abdelali Moufarreh, who was the manager, have been taken into custody after having been questioned by police,” said an official.

28-year-old factory employee Fadila Khadija said “There was no emergency exit, the extinguishers were empty and the working conditions were difficult.” One source said that windows were also unusable as they were covered with iron bars. 20-year-old survivor Omar Elaaz said “I was working on the first floor as an upholsterer. The smoke came up from the ground floor where the foam rubber, wood and glue are stored. I used a gas bottle to break the wire mesh that protects every window.” 31-year-old upholsterer Hakim Hakki told of his own lucky escape and its effect on him from hospital: “I jumped from the third floor with four other colleagues while the women, who didn’t dare to follow us, perished in the inferno. God saved me but I’ll never forget those who died.”

The father of deceased 19-year-old Abdelazziz Darif said his son was paid 250 dirhams (20 euro/31 US dollars) per week and did not have social insurance.

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20 injured in Montreal college shooting spree

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

At 12:41 p.m. local time (UTC-5), a man opened fire at Dawson College, in Westmount, Quebec, Canada; the college is located near the heart of downtown Montreal. Police report at least 20 people being injured. The gunman was reportedly killed at the scene by police. Students told reporters that they heard several shots in the building at about 12:45 local time. One student told a local radio station that she saw two people who had been shot, including one who was hit at the neck. The student said a friend told her four people had been shot.

Hundreds of students fled the building, and the area has been cordoned off. Nearby Plaza Alexis Nihon and Westmount Square were evacuated and the Green line of the Montreal Metro was shut down between Lionel-Groulx and Peel. Police officers wearing bullet-proof vests are keeping people away from the college. “They’re telling me, ‘Go the other way, lady, you’re in the line of fire,'” said CBC News reporter Nancy Wood, who reported from the scene.

Local media have reported police hotlines have been established for loved ones to gain more information: +1-(514)-280-2880, +1-(514)-280-2805, and +1-(514)-280-2806. The Montreal General Hospital has also set up a hotline at +1-(514)-843-2839.

Police have reported that the situation has been neutralized as of 20:06, September 13, 2006 (UTC). Police have been told to stand down and are no longer looking for new victims or shooters.

Dawson College is a CEGEP that hosts about 10,000 students.

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Solar Power For Homes Understanding And Using Dyi Solar Panels}

Solar Power for Homes Understanding and Using DYI Solar Panels


Mark Twang

DIY solar panels for home-based use are becoming increasingly popular. The main reason for the growing popularity is to be reduced to two factors. One, are the rising costs of electricity bills. Two global warming is a problem.


Most of our current electricity comes from power plants fired with fossil fuels. As these plants using fossil fuels, the cost of the electricity bill on world prices of oil and gas dependent. Another point is that these resources are used up quickly. While our need for this fuels are raising the supply is diminishing. The rules of demand and supply can drive the price of electrical power to its highest levels.

The issue associated with global warming is definitely connected to the usage with fossil fuels. With the majority of of the power facilities employing fossil fuels which causes the emissions of harmful gases in the atmosphere. The most effective method that all of us can easily do in order to help save money and the earth is look for for alternative energy. DIY solar power systems can help turn your homes into solar power homes and is a great solution.

Several years in the ago, photovoltaic solar cells were extremely high-priced. They were definitely quite inefficient, because they were only capable of converting, a small percentage of the sun’s energy directly into electrical energy. But, a completely new photo voltaic solar cell was brought on the market in 2003. These types of innovative cells can convert about 25 % more of sun rays into electrical power and they are now a lot more affordable. For the reason that these advancements in the technologies involving the sun’s rays, the sun’s energy is currently obtainable to hundreds of thousands of people all over the planet.

Is it hard to get hold of these DIY kits?

No they are available to purchase everywhere. However the ideal place to purchase them is on the Internet. The Internet is filled with several businesses that offer these products. One other good thing concerning these DYI kits is that the directions are generally really easy to follow. You don’t have to be a pro to understand then . The materials and tools you require can easily be found at the local hardware store. Also the total project will cost you around $ 250, which includes the manual. This is a great price for a life long supply of electricity.

It is time that all of us begin thinking about protecting our environment and as well saving money. Let us begin with clean, green power solutions. Use href=”http://solarpowerforhomesnow.com/category/do-it-yourself-diy”>DIY Solar Power Panels to make

Solar Power for Homes


Article Source: Solar Power for Homes Understanding and Using DYI Solar Panels


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Pakistan President Musharraf in Kabul for talks

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

The President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf is in Kabul for a two-day visit during which he is scheduled to hold talks with his Afghan counterpart, Hamid Karzai. The talks are expected to focus on the continuing militant activity on both sides of the border, with Taliban forces allegedly infiltrating into Afghanistan from across the border in Pakistan.

Economic cooperation and reconstruction in Afghanistan are also on the agenda. President Musharraf is scheduled to meet cabinet ministers and address parliamentarians tomorrow. His delegation includes ministers for foreign and religious affairs and the petroleum sector, and the head of Pakistan’s intelligence agency.

“Frank discussions on the war on terror and expanding bilateral cooperation on regional issues,” read a statement by President Karzai’s office.

Pakistan foreign office spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam told AFP news agency that the Presidents “will exchange views on bilateral relations, economic cooperation, reconstruction activities in Afghanistan and cooperation in the fight against terrorism,”

“Afghanistan is expecting the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to take effective action against terrorism,” Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman Sultan Ahmad Baheen said.

Pakistan signed a peace agreement with pro-Taliban militants in the North Waziristan region on the eve of the visit. The deal aims to end years of unrest in the border province. Under its terms the Pakistan military forces and militants will stop attacks on each other and the militants have agreed to disarm or expel foreign Al-Qaeda-linked fighters in the area. Pakistan has rejected criticism that the deal will allow pro-Taliban forces to operate freely in the area.

“Pakistan is committed to its policy on war on terror, and Osama caught anywhere in Pakistan would be brought to justice,” army spokesman Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan told the Associated Press.

On Wednesday, President Karzai met the NATO General Secretary Jaap de Hoop Scheffer in Kabul and signed an accord aimed at boosting security and development in the country. The NATO chief warned that “some of the terrorists, the spoilers, think they can win in the south,”, adding “They are wrong. Because they cannot win, they will not win, […] That is why we are engaged in combat as well at this very moment.”

The visit comes amidst an upsurge in violence in Afghanistan, with US forces saying that 60 militants were killed by artillery and air-strikes on Tuesday. Some 700 more are believed to be surrounded by soldiers in an operation in Khandahar province.

NATO and Afghan forces launched an operation in Khandahar’s Panjwayi district last weekend, and NATO reports 250 militants as killed in the operations, though a Taliban commander has disputed the figure and there is no independent confirmation of the toll. Hundreds have been killed in continuing fighting between government and international security forces and insurgents in the last four months.

An estimated 1500 families have been displaced by the fighting in Khandahar.

Suspected Taliban militants shot dead two muslim clerics in Lashkar Gah, capital of the Helmand province in the last two days and raided a district headquarters in the town of Arghandad in Zabul province.

Musharraf last visited Afghanistan in 2002. Afghanistan has previously complained that Pakistan is not doing enough to combat Taliban insurgency in its side of the 2,250km (1,400-mile) mountainous border between the two countries. Earlier in the year, allegations by Afghanistan that Taliban and Al-Qaeda leaders were living in Pakistan were dismissed by Musharraf as “nonsense”. In February, Afghanistan issued a list of 150 Taliban suspects it said were living in Pakistan. President Musharraf dismissed the information as “old and outdated”, but President Karzai reiterated that the list was up-to-date.

Some Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders have been arrested in Pakistan, which has also stationed close to 80,000 troops along the Afghan borders. There is international pressure on Musharraf to deal with Islamist groups in Pakistan who are believed to assist Taliban forces.

“Pakistan has the potential to be the solution to the problems of Afghanistan,” Afghan foreign ministry advisor Ali Muradian said. “We hope that President Musharraf will open a new chapter in relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

Pakistan was closely associated with the Taliban’s rise to power in the 90s one of only three nations that recognised the then Taliban government.

While state run dailies Kabul Times and Hewad expressed hope that two leaders will work together to improve security, The daily Cheragh said that while statements about restoring security can be expected from the meeting, “as experience has shown”, previous pledges by Pakistan “have not been fulfilled”.

Kabul Times also said Afghanistan was grateful for Pakistan’s help to thousands of Afghan refugees.

“The key concern is whether the agreement is going to lead to more insurgents going to and fro across the border or less,” A diplomat told AFP, while another questioned Pakistan’s peace deal with the militants.

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1 million people welcome 2007 in Sydney

Monday, January 1, 2007

A crowd of approximately 1 million has welcomed the new year in Sydney overnight. Many of the crowd had camped out since 6 AM AEDT (7PM UTC) to ensure they had the best vantage point for the fireworks displays at 9 PM and 12 AM. Earlier predictions of rain failed to dampen enthusiastic revellers and fortunately did not eventuate.

According to police, vantage points were Circular Quay and Sydney Opera House closed around 7 PM.

This year’s theme was “A diamond night in Emerald City” and celebrated the Sydney Harbour Bridge’s diamond anniversary of 75 years which will fall in March.

As usual, the bridge became the centre piece of Sydney’s celebrations with a question mark turning into a coat hanger during the 9 PM fireworks show before a diamond appeared at 11 PM.

Entertainment was held in the city throughout the day, culminating in a spectacular fireworks display at midnight. Revellers counted down the final seconds of 2006 with numbers on the side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

The festivities are estimated to have cost AUD $4 million and organisers claim their fireworks display is “the largest in the world”. Sydney’s celebrations were broadcast on television live around the world as other countries prepared their New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Despite the large crowd, police made only 58 arrests for offences including offensive conduct, stealing, assaulting police, goods in custody, assault, drink driving and affray.

Ambulance officers were called to 1,139 incidents in Sydney with another 900 in country areas.

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