Tips On Taking Care Of Your New Puppy

Tips On Taking Care Of Your New Puppy


Riza Humpton

When we get a new puppy, we plan to provide good health and welfare before we bring it home. Taking care of a new puppy is like taking care of your family members. A puppy needs a lot of guidance in their life to bring on new things that will teach them to survive. When you begin to take care of your puppy, ensure to take things one at a time so that you will bon with him everytime.

Here are simple tips on how to take care of your new puppy:

Puppy Training Outdoors

Train your puppy to relieve itself outdoors, to prevent your dog defecating on your carpet or rugs. By house training properly, your pup will learn where to go to the toilet. Do not give into your new pups whimpers.


It is normal for a puppy to cry when they are in a new environment and alone. It can also be extremely difficult to ignore their cries however once your pup is used to the environment, the crying and whimpering will alleviate. Your pup will learn to quiet and sleep more quickly if you ignore it\’s cries.

Scheduled Vaccination

You puppy needs its vaccination before taking it out into the world. This is the best protection that you may give for your pup as vaccination will keep him away from illness.

Obedience Dog Training

When your puppy is already comfortable at your home and with the people around it, its energy will come back and it will definitely play actively. Your pup may nip, scratch the crouch, biting everything it sees. Whilst this may be cute when it is still young, as the pup gets older, the behaviour will become unacceptable. Start training your puppy from the day you bring it home, so they know how to behave.

Yard Fencing

Your new puppy will require daily exercise, preferably outdoors. For your pup to be safe, you should ensure that your yard is fenced and to avoid any accidents. This will also ensure that your dog will not be lost or taken by other people.

Following these simple tips will get you and your new puppy off to a good start and a very good way to bond. Bringing home a new puppy is exciting however you also need to be aware of everything that is required to take care of your new puppy even from the start.


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specializes in providing training advice to dog owners. Whether you want your new puppy to sit, relieving themseleves outdoors, follow obedience training – this is the place for you.

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